Friday, June 3, 2016

Planned Parenthood wants to continue to kill babies

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Planned Parenthood just doesn't get it.  The only PP facilities that will not get funding are those who commit abortions. And although they don't turn away the very poor, they do make money from killing babies.

If one needs family planning care, buy birth control.

Now they are suing Florida


Anonymous said...

What a *itch!

During an interview on The View recently Hillary Clinton said an unborn child just hours before delivery should have no Constitutional rights.

Anonymous said...

Abortion and the death penalty are both forms of murder and they should not be permitted in a civilized society. It is time civilized people start thinking about the unborn and not allow anymore murders of the unborn, not now or ever again. It is a sin, so wrong. I hate when some women say, it is my body and I have the right to do with it as I please, I say no, there is a living life inside of you and you do not have the right to kill it once it is conceived. I will always lean on the side of the unborn. Abortion is murder and I do not think the government or a humane society should allow Planned Parenthood or any one or group to allow an abortion in our society, it is plane and simple, murder, it must stop.

Anonymous said...

"I've noticed everyone who is for abortion has already been born" Reagan. All these anti abortion liberal idiots had parents with heart enough to allow them to be born.