Friday, June 3, 2016

Author Tony Kearney at Lake Worth Library

Meet the Author at the Lake Worth Public Library

The Lake Worth Public Library’s will host Mr. Tony Kearney at its free Meet the Author evening, Thursday, June 9th at 7:00 pm. Mr. Kearney will introduce his two new books “Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sunshine In.” and “How to be the Best Person in the World.”

Tony Kearney is an educator, trainer, facilitator, mediator, farmer, environmentalist, corporate lawyer and published author. (Who Owns the Future?, Boo!, The Tao of Awe, How to be the Best Person in the World, Open up your Heart and let the Sunshine in.)  Originally from New Zealand he moved to Ireland in 2006 for a change of lifestyle. He travels widely from his home in Ireland facilitating events to do with personal and planetary change

In addition to his two new book, he will present a short lecture:

Thursday night Mr. Kearny will be looking at some fresh and exciting ways that you, yes you, can not only become the best person in the world by opening up your heart and letting the sunshine in, but you can also help save the planet and the future at the same time!

Sound too good to be true?  Sound too important to miss? If you said yes to both of these questions, (or even just one) then please come along to the talk and find out whether it is both true and possible. 

Your planet and your future both need you! 

In this important event Mr. Kearney will be sharing with his vision of a possible future and hopes that in return you might share your vision with him.

All are welcome to this event from teachers, to environmentalists, to scientists, to artists, to poets, to educators, to writers, to farmers, to politicians, to adults and children and anyone else who may have been forgotten!

He hopes you are able to join him for this important meeting of hearts, minds and actions.

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