The following letter to the editor was printed in today's Palm Beach Post. It is important in that the complaints are exactly the same as what we have in Lake Worth.
During the Jeff Clemens regime, he cut public commentary from 3 minutes to 2. It was supposed to be analyzed and come up for discussion within 6 months. But like a lot of things, it fell through the cracks.
Since the mayor is not controlling her meetings and allowing her supporters to even heckle some speaking at the lectern, the allotted two minutes that we do get are cut even further. The public is not a priority of elected officials and especially these incumbents in Lake Worth. In fact, so many of them are clueless as to what transpired before they were even elected. Many have no sense of history nor do they care. We do agree that most (at least this present majority of Scott Maxwell, Pam Triolo and Andy Amoroso) never listen to the people for whom they serve. Their goal is to adjourn no later than 9pm, preferably 8pm as they continue to place 14 items on Consent Agenda sometimes adding up to millions of dollars.
Elected officials have a difficult time listening to the people...they can't hear them over their own voices.

Palm Beach Post
January 10. 2016
Commissioners need to listen to everyone
It is now blatantly clear that Palm Beach County commissioners wish to receive input only from large campaign contributors — namely, developers and their lobbyists. We, the public, need to know what it would take to counter their advantages. What would be required to get the public back to the podium so that our concerns might at least be heard, if not respected, in these public venues?
The commission should bring back the three-minute-per-citizen comment period and cut only to two minutes when the participation is huge (e.g., 20 cards per agenda item). This is their job.
I am very sorry if this letter offends commissioners, but their lack of listening to, and respecting, the people they ostensibly “represent” offends thousands of us. Palm Beach County has “a government of the developer, by the developer and for the developer,” and I hope that that trend shall perish from the Earth.
That is true. This commission has disenfranchised most of the voters and continue to spout lies and distortions that are believed by those with little knowledge of what's going on in our town. You know when they go after good people like the two M's, Mcvoy and Mayer, that they are political junkies looking to only get reelected by their special interests. In this case, their relationship to Hudson Holdings was revealed by that secret ITN meeting. Help save our beach from some private/public partnership and vote in a new commission.
I'm all up for change, but I can't vote for cop hating anarchist Ryan Hartman!
I have never heard him say that he hates cops. What he has said is that any abuse of power, whether it is the police or not, he would have objections. Show me where he said that he HATES cops.
It was in his Facebook. He posted on a lake worth group about where to watch the mets playoff game.
Ok, perhaps you read something that lead you to believe that he HATED cops--that is a very strong word. But until I see it or hear it from his lips, it has to be 100% discounted. It's all about abuse of power and I agree with that.
Lynn there is no way I can respect your support for Ryan Hartman. I know how much you dislike Scott but I can not vote for that guy. He has no business leading our city and if he wins expect us to become the homeless capital of the county. Wake up Lynn and see who he really is.
Have I come out in support of anyone?
This is what you guys do...unbelievable, really and somewhat paranoid.
Everyone has a different way of expressing himself and what he stands for. You guys go to a commission meeting and at the sound of Cara Jenning's name go bananas and become rude and unruly believing all the hype from the other blogger who maligns people right and left. Everyone needs a fair chance in life. I just don't like people denigrated by people who are painting a picture based on a Briger protest. If you have so many concerns, why not call him and meet with him one on one. Then judge. Get it from the "horse's mouth."
lynn, as a longtime reader of your blog i respectfully just have one can you rally against the homeless, slum and blight and support someone who wants lake worth to cater to the homeless and IS a known cop hater(we ALL saw his Facebook posts, no denying them.) it just doesn't make sense to me and most of your readers. is it just a case of "anyone but scott" or do you really believe that Ryan will make lake worth a better place for families?? thank you
Gee, I am so sorry...I thought I had answered that question.
We have a tremendous homeless problem in our city and I would like it solved. I believe that your statement is inaccurate regarding Hartman who "caters to the homeless" as you are implying that he wants more of them to live on the streets. Now who in their right mind would want more people here living that way? He has compassion for them; they are people who need help.
Please ask him when you have your NA debate or call him on the phone. Perhaps he will express his feelings on his Facebook page. I barely know him so I'm not the person to ask but I will say that he has empathy for people and the environment.
Anyone but Scott is a good rallying cry.
He is so angry and short fused at meetings that I stopped going.
Does he have an alcohol problem? Does he need therapy?
He definitely needs a vacation from the Commission seat.
Whatever gives you the idea he has a drinking problem? He is a big man and can handle it. He is just an angry bully. Took lessons from the mayor I heard or was it vice versA?
People, policy says that elected officials are fair game but let's CUT THE CRAP, ok?
I certainly can get annoyed by some of the folks that speak at every meeting and to every issue. But, democracy is democracy and public participation in local government is part of what make our country great. Everyone should be entitled to speak to the issues.
The city leaders are actually doing the city tax payers a big favor by not listening to the likes of lynn anderson, katie, the mcnamaras and all the other naysayers that can't get elected but want to run the city from behind the scenes.
LOL @ 11:44...go back to bed.
We who "work behind the scenes" do one hell of a job...we won the last 3 elections. Actually, I am right in the forefront writing every day about the bad decisions and/or corruption in our city. All you can do is take snide remarks.
Actually 11:14 , the city leaders are ignoring the majority of city tax payers,including Katy,Lynn Anderson and the Mcnamaras. The only ones getting big favors from the gang of three(Mayor Triolo,Scott Maxwell,and Andy Amoroso)are Hudson Holdings ,the CRA and any campaign contributors.That group gets their tushes regularly and generously stroked by these three city leaders behind closed doors.
Sounds like 11:44 is all in favor of development dynasties, which is what the gang of 3 is fast becoming. Has 11:44 ever taken civics, read the constitution, or even had the foggiest notion of our form of government?? Maybe this is Wes the mess, or Steve Michael and his minions. So by your logic, everyone who has their own opinion, and is not a developer, should have no say and no vote. Hmmm, certainly sounds like a certain big three running on that platform to get reelected. Maybe we should publish that as their new slogan: no vote and no say for citizens; developers only allowed. Send more money and we listen. And come tonight to the fund raiser: We listen to $$ not people. We call it progress.
11:44, I can hear your frustration. Democracy is messy. And there are forms of government where all that having to listen to people is not allowed period. It's very efficient and sounds like you would like it. The most recent embodiment is called ISIS. Don't lose your head:)
I have no reason to believe that Ryan Hartman is a cop hater or a trouble maker. Personally, I respect the right to protest. That is how Ghandi made change; that is ultimately what finally put an end to a futile Viet Nam war. And our nation was founded because we protested unfair taxes--without representation! Any one remember that? We all started out as upstarts to the British monarchy. I will find out more about him and his platform, but as of right now I fully intend to vote for him. Scott is an angry man, very indebted to developers esp. HH, and simply is not honest with us. How many times do we have to again be lectured about the "grains of sand" we own, and how the beach can never be in the black. And if you disagree, you're fired: goodbye finance director. Bam, Maxwell's silver hammer comes down again. And since they are running as a block, which is very appropriate, it's time they all go. Go work for HH and be honest about it. Let someone honest represent the people who live here too. I'm not too worried about all the poor downtrodden developers in their gold plated castles.
I so can't wait until you finally discover the wolf in sheeps wool that Ryan Hartman guy your so goo goo eyed with.
Good luck with the pot holes and infrastructure - he'll be so busy building a homeless camp in the park for his friends to park their asses in.
Why not ask him what his solution for crumbling, 100 years old infrastructure is! He certainly didn't present any plan - CAUSE HE AIN'T GOT A PLAN LET ALONE A CLUE! N
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