Saturday, January 16, 2016

District 3 Candidate McAlonan interviewed by the Lake Worth Tribune

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The Lake Worth Tribune just published an interview by Margaret Menge on Frank McAlonan, a candidate for Commissioner District 3.

To read what Frank has to say about our beach, our pool, heights, Hudson Holdings, PBSO and rating our top Lake Worth executives on a scale of 1 to 10, Click here


Anonymous said...

Go Frank. You have my vote. One of the reasons you have my vote is because you said that you will listen to the people which to me means not just your favored group. Listen to the ITN and Andy. Oh dear.

Anonymous said...

No way I can vote for you Frank. You needed to stand up for the good of the city and tell me you will do whatever it takes to get the hotel opened. I don't need to city this city go down the toilet when it is on the verge of moving forward. Sorry Frank but that listen to the people bull means listen to a few folks who spread fear, false information and distrust among our residents.

Anonymous said...

"Do whatever it takes to get the hotel opened"


Your group is the only one spreading fear, false information and distrust. The people won the freaking election.

Since you all have so much money, why not give it to Steven Michael so that maybe he can just renovate what he has without jerking the city around to hand over the beach or whatever else he wants. Maybe too he can clean up the place. He has been pulling a Schlesinger since he bought the place.

Screw that and all you self-serving %^&*( who believe in HH to ever do the right thing. Glad you're not on Planning any longer.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mr. commenter who is so adamant that his rep must do anything possible to open the Gulfstream: So you are saying we really should give them our beach? "Do anything and everything"---
Isn't that why Dirty Szerdi lost the last election? Oooops, my bad according to Excom Szerdi--it was just because some terrible people were spreading rumors (gasp) THAT JUST HAPPENED TO BE TRUE.
So we should disband the rule of law for the same guy that has let the Gulfstream wallow in disrepair for some 2 years now. Because the Gulfstream takes precedence over everything. Could this be one of the gang of 3 perchance? I want to see it open too. But I'm not willing to sell the whole city to him. Why do you think it has taken all this time, secret beach meetings etc, if all he wants is renovating the hotel. With another 500 parcels to develop or flip as he wishes, I damn sure do not want to sell out our city for him to do what he said he would eons ago. Let's see if he actually follows through. Remember he has lots of unfinished projects.

Anonymous said...

I say we need a whole new regime change in lw. Out with the old in with the new. The commissioners, managers & definitely that pathetic weasel of a man "the city manager"

Anonymous said...

If he and the other candidates wants the job so bad, why didn't they show up for the Parrot Cove meeting last night. I'm disappointed I haven't met them...

Lynn Anderson said...

My guess would be that 1) they didn't know about it and 2) they weren't invited.