Friday, May 22, 2015

Hurricane Seminar at Lake Worth Golf Course

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Last night the 8th Hurricane Seminar on hurricane preparedness was held at the Lake Worth Golf Course.  Kevin Addison was host. It was very well attended in a perfect venue and I believe it to be the best one ever. The Beach Club encouraged people to stay to dine on their special of buy one, get one dinner free and many took them up on their offer. Drew Martin, elected in 2014 to be our representative of the Palm Beach Soil & Water Conservation District Seat 2 spoke to the crowd.

Vendors were well represented and all introduced themselves and their product/service.   PBSO deputy Mike Mahoney spoke and his lucky mom Janet won two door prizes!  Kevin and BarbaraJean worked diligently on door prizes and businesses graciously donated wonderful prizes--Ace Hardware, Elegant Lady, Lake Worth Jewelers, SouthShore Restaurant, Dave's Last Resort, Walgreens and EAS Shipping to name a few. Maurice Luz gave one from Milton's grooming parlor and one from his hair salon.  Home Depot donated a gas grill worth $100 and one of the vendors donated a gas generator.

The main feature was Mike Lyons Meteorologist at WPBF 25 who gave an interesting talk on hurricanes in general as well as those from the past that affected Florida and caused so much damage. He did say that our hurricane season this year is predicted to be minimal because of El Nino. An El NiƱo weather pattern usually causes frequent periods of high wind shear. Wind shear causes the vertical column of spinning air within a system to become tilted, inhibiting the development of storms. Lyons said only one major storm is predicted this hurricane season that begins on June 1 lasting six months. A major storm is a category 3 or higher. So, start preparing now--buy your batteries, can goods and water. After his presentation, he stayed to  help with awarding the door prizes.

In 2004, we got a double whammy two weeks apart when Frances and Jeanne hit the Palm Beach area.
Hurricane Jeanne blew down many of the ficus trees along Lake Osborne. 
Tornados came through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darn, I forgot about it.