On Tuesday night, we learned that Pam Triolo – Lake Worth mayor, is a member of the Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization that consists now of 19 members (one of whom is Lake Worth businesswoman and West Palm Beach Commissioner, Shanon Materio) but trying to expand to 21. When Sharon Parsons gave her presentation of the Citizen Survey and it was said that we had "transparency" issues, the people weren't wrong. Who ever knew that Mayor Triolo was a member of this group? Perhaps she's mentioned it.
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) were "mandated by the Federal Highway Act of 1973 to provide a cooperative, comprehensive, and continuing transportation planning and decision-making process. The process encompasses all modes and covers both short-range and long-range transportation planning. Being a member of this group is a big deal as MPO members direct how and where available state and federal dollars for transportation improvements will be spent." Source: MPO
DOT has tried to encourage Palm Beach County's MPO to merge with Broward and Miami/Dade. Executive Director Nick Uhren believes that Palm Beach would get lost in the shuffle and he is correct.

One of the greatest services that they could implement would be signage. One of these days someone will get severely injured by a bicyclist riding on our sidewalks.

I see a lot of immigrants riding on sidewalks and even going the wrong direction. It is very dangerous when trying to get out into a road and some nut on a bike comes speeding by.
people on bikes are just ignorant. the other day I was almost run down by a skate boarder on lake Avenue. What can be done?
I'm all for a good bike network, but education is necessary and the City shouldn't waste anymore money on bike lanes and sharrows on low speed neighborhood streets. These sharrows and bike lanes only encourage accidents b/c it forces bikes into close proximity to parked cars (dooring) and drivers rely on the directionals (the arrow) and the bikes are often going the other way.
Bike lanes should be added to collector roads like 10th ave, 6th ave., Federal hwy.
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