Saturday, December 14, 2013

Quote of the Day - Lois Frankel

“This budget deal is better than the status quo, and it’s good to see bipartisan cooperation. With that said, because of the cuts to Medicare, reduction to military retirement payments and leaving millions of Americans desperate without any source of income because of failure to renew unemployment insurance, I voted no.”

~ Lois Frankel

Talking about her "no" vote on Thursday's Budget bill.

Final tally: 332 to 94.
Republicans voted yes: 169.
Democrats voted yes: 163.
Republicans voted no: 62
Democrats voted no: 32
members didn’t vote: 9.

Of course, Democrats and Republican's Noes were for entirely different reasons. Marco Rubio who voted No said: "Here's the problem: It raises it by $60 billion, the spending, but it pays it over 10 years. Well, you know how that works. Over the next couple years they'll forget it, and they will keep borrowing more. The fundamental problem that we have here is that we have a government that continues to spend more money than it takes in."

Read what Paul Ryan said, Chair of the House Budget Committee.

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