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Our friend, Mark Parrilla, just commented on another blog here saying we disrupted a parade--a Veterans' parade four months before the heights election. He said: "Bring on the hotel district. This outcome could not have been better poetic justice. When you guys originally won you weren't exactly humble, disrupting our first Veteran's day parade with signs to thumb your noses at the outcome of the vote. Well if you can dish it out you should always be ready to take it!"
Don't remember ANY signs during a Veterans' Day Parade, four months before the election. But even if there were signs, our veterans died for American principles and our right to have a democratic vote.. they would be proud. And once again, we want to say "thanks" to all those who exercised that right and to all those who voted "yes," all 55.86% of you.
After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.
~ Italian proverb
He said: "Bring on the hotel district. This outcome could not have been better poetic justice. When you guys originally won you weren't exactly humble, disrupting our first Veteran's day parade with signs to thumb your noses at the outcome of the vote. Well if you can dish it out you should always be ready to take it!"
Let's switch the vote to a Gay Marriage (HUMBLE) Referendum - same petitions gathered, same putting off the vote. Then the state says No - you do not have the right to Blah Blah Blah.
How that shoe fit? Poetic Justice bites pretty hard when turned back against your freedoms!
May you ALL Marinate in the Karma you have created! We followed the Law and you made it up as you went along! Precious Public Record says it all about the last minute donations and WHO THEY CAME FROM!!!
One Sign Waver was PAID $320 and the Mayor appointed him to a sister City Board Position a bit more than a month later!
Great now your voice is heard.
Turn the dais around (as history has shown) and let's see if you like someone being the boss of you!
After the game, the King and the pawn go into the same box.
~ Italian proverb
Such an excellent point, Weetha! I think Mark just had a bad hair day.
weetha, rambling nonsense will not get your point across. crime, blight and crumbling infrastructure, are the big issues. worrying about pipe dream hotels invading our slums is laughable.
Good point @9:45am.
Beware bullies who cry for effect.
The "Thank You" signs were my idea to tell our voters,well,,,"Thank You"! We as a society don't say thank you enough. I was very thankful that the majority of voters here in Lake Worth were able to see through the lies presented to them by the No side. Every campaign , we get out and ask for the people's vote. And then they don't see us again until the next election. I just thought that it was time to say "Thank You. You took the time to vote. You cared enough to make your voice heard. And we appreciate and are thankful for your efforts".Katie Mcgiveron
Weetha was right on point.
Did anyone ever complain to Pam Bondi? What about rick Scott? I heard that Maxwell met with him recently and NEVER thought to bring it up.
"Thought to bring it up?" That's a good one.
Mark Parrilla is off his wowos again. The signs were not printed till the end of January. This guy will say anything to get attention, even make stuff up. Let's see him try and prove his statements.
Thanks to KAtie, Lynn, Helen and Ozzie for holding signs about a week after the election thanking the voters. Cool move especially in front of the chamber of commerce. Now that is poetic justice.
Thank God you are being "humble" about you "win". Being on the NO side, the spiking of the football and the kicks while we "were" down, calling us liars, corrupt, greedy and thieves was humble indeed.
The poetic justice is brought to you by the State. Apparently they see this type of thing happening all over the state and did something to stop it.
With the ever increasing population in Florida, the NIMBY's make it harder for anything but sprawl to occur. THAT is not gtood for the environment or the state as a whole.
Infrastructure is expensive to build and people want to live close to the coast where infrastructure already exists.
I still say the "NO's" just used your own tactics against you and you didn't like it a bit.
Poetic justice indeed.
The NO folks WERE liars...still are as evident in your comment. Still say, move to another city with higher buildings. Next best thing, honor the vote of the people.
Mark, not so humble in this latest anonymous comment of yours. What exactly do you mean that the nos used the yes people's tactics against them? Are you delirious? Need your meds? Need a drink of kava? Is a vote important to you at all? Or is the only thing important to you acting like a brat wanting his way whether he won the vote or note. Gosh, perhaps Cuba would be a good place for you to live. The José Martí Memorial at 138 feet or so is the tallest building in Cuba. You could swim that far and have a chance to look up at it all damn day. You wouldn't have to even think about NIMBY. Everything is about what YOU want. Hey, I don't think you can vote in Cuba either. You would fit right in.
I never post anonymous I always stand behind anything I comment on here. I stand corrected it was actually International Day the FTC/Barton Event at the Cultural Plaza. Funny how so many laymen suddenly become more versed on the law than a law firm with decades of experience in SUCCESSFUL practice of municipal law. Take it up with the governor. You may not like it but State and Federal Law supercedes municipal law no matter what anyones opinion is.
Unanonymously ALWAYS,
Mark Anthony Parrilla
By the way anonymous. I signed the petition supporting the issue to go to a vote. I accepted the outcome. Now with the governor implementing the bill making the outcome of the vote no longer relevant I accept the new outcome.
Thanks for making the correction, Mark.
As this OPINION by the city attorney is being challenged, will you accept the court's opinion when or if it is thrown-out? It is not me, a lay person, making a legal opinion--it was the lawyer on the YES side of the vote who has a different LEGAL OPINION than the city.
Bill of Rights Preamble
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction (Misunderstanding) or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory (Legal Description/Interpretation) and restrictive (Limited/Limiting) clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Being the anonymous poster that you refer to, and not Mark, Lynn won't post some of my more pointed comments. Remember, we are all liars.
Lynn won't post lies.
Speaking only for myself, I don't agree with the legislatures move and the Governor's signing it. But it is what it is. If it is overturned and the vote of the people is upheld, I wholeheartedly support your win. I still think it is backward and lies were told and are still being told to keep Lake Worth poor. Just look who the main actors are behind the movement. All extremist anti-development.
Ask any one of them what new private development they have actively supported. Listen for the crickets.
AGAIN, ANONYMOUS, it is only an OPINION of Glen Torivia based on a desired end of his employers. There are other OPINIONS in legal land.
NO ONE WANTS TO KEEP LAKE WORTH POOR. That is just so outrageous. Why would you even believe that? It is that sort of statement that I delete because it is a lie. I have NEVER heard one person ever say anything so stupid ab out keeping our city poor.
And what private development are you talking about? The 216 units on Boutwell and Lake Worth Road that will be RENTALS? Never was against Publix just the CRA giving them $500,000 when they NEVER ASKED FOR THE MONEY and did not need it. Are you talking about the failed townhouses in this city? It must be the Lucerne? Yes, you are right--was against that as it is too high for the city. Those? What?
Do crickets chirp?
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