Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Legislature and Illegal Immigrants ticked off at Rick Scott

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HB 235 was vetoed by Governor Rick Scott even though it was passed in the Florida House, 155-2 and in the Senate, 36-0. Our elected representatives sympathize with illegal immigrants who were brought here by their illegal immigrant parents and believe that they deserve a Florida driver's license.

"Deferred action status is simply a policy of the Obama administration absent Congressional direction, designed to dictate removal action decisions using DHS (Department of Homeland Security) agency discretion," Scott wrote in a veto message. "It was never passed by Congress, nor is it a promulgated rule."

The Florida Democratic Party excoriated the Republican governor's action. "Rick Scott continues to alienate and discriminate against thousands of undocumented immigrants. Instead of joining the legislature's near-unanimous consensus around HB 235, Governor Scott imposed his rigid ideology on Floridians — to the detriment of the young immigrants who are Florida's future," said Democratic Party spokesman Joshua Karp.

Read more... at the Miami Herald.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These elected officials are not asking the people what they want when it comes to immigrants who are here illegally. Just ask and we will tell you. Get out. No driver's licenses. No amnesty.