Monday, June 10, 2013

Lake Worth Demographics - The Selling of Lake Worth

People are confused about how large our city is as far as area. Someone just asked me that question yesterday and my answer was--anywhere from 5 to 7 square miles as that is what we have heard. Even the Vice Mayor wasn't sure. And it is no wonder why we all can get confused as the information that is provided to us is conflicting--

Wikipedia:  6.46 miles square with land at 5.945 sq. miles
Lake Worth:  6.97
U.S. Census:  5.87

After cruising over the city's new web site this morning, I noticed that it gave the average income as $20,165 which averages out at $168.00 a week. Unless most of the city is on Medicaid and food stamps and lives in subsidizing housing or Section 8, this figure is questionable. Perhaps this is why the city continues to agree to build more affordable housing including rentals. They are attracting more poor people just for the tax base that will come from the dwelling...the selling out of Lake Worth.

Wikipedia:  $30,034 average income--$35,374 average household income
Lake Worth: $20,165
U.S. Census:  $37,288 average household income

Language other than English spoken at home is 54.1% whereas the State average is 27%.  67% of our residents have a high school diploma compared to the State average of 85.5%. 19.4% of our residents have a bachelor's degree or higher. You know these college folks are making well over the average weekly salary.

If you have a business, you want to attract the affluent who have the money to buy whatever product or service you are offering.  Here in Lake Worth, we offer the most  magnificent assets that include our beach and golf course, an eclectic downtown and a city that is close to Interstate travel, shopping and the best weather going. Why not start thinking about all of our great amenities when we look at future development and who we want to attract to our city.

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