Thursday, November 3, 2011

Maxwell gets stomped on by majority commission

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At the end of the last meeting on Tuesday, Commissioner Maxwell asked, "Where is the city manager?" She was not present for the entire meeting. He was told by Commissioner McVoy, that Stanton was participating in a church rectory ceremony, whatever that is. Maxwell then stated that the city manager needs to advise the Commission when she leaves the city and wants to know how does the Commission formally discipline the city manager?

The City Attorney, Elaine Humphreys, replied that she works for the Commission, not one commissioner, and will take direction from the Commission. The rest of the commission informed her that she did not have their permission to even review the process. Next comes some back and forth between Maxwell, McVoy and Margoles, the assistant city manager, regarding the Census Committee and why it was not on the agenda as Maxwell had asked.

Maxwell then asks the question at around 2:37 into the meeting, "Can I ask for a termination (of the city manager) straight up?" Waterman moves quickly to shut him up and takes a vote to adjourn the meeting.


Anonymous said...

Waterman cannot let the CM be terminated, she would not know how or what to vote for. Lets all pray that she(Waterman) will be gone next week.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, have you heard? Dustin has dropped out of the race.

Lynn Anderson said...

Haven't heard that but his name IS on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

Read Wes;s blog it is posted there. He is having a party at the Cottage tomorrow night

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, if it's true, I would like to attend so that I can personally punch his lights out. :)

Anonymous said...

Temper, Temper

Anonymous said...

To Anon at 1:26 you have it right, it is time to get rid of Waterman, and while we are at it, let's get rid of Stanton too. Maxwell had the right idea. To bad the three stogies did not have the Balls.

Anonymous said...

Or any common sense or any knowledge of how to run a city or the ability to listen or morals, integrity courtesy guts. The list is endless

Anonymous said...

after reading what Wes posted on tonight's circle jerk, all I have to say is Stanton has to go

Anonymous said...

To anon at 1:26 of course she would know what and how to vote, she is Cara"s puppet.