Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Career Politician, Mayor Varela

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The home of Mayor Rene Varela

Although only eight months before his State of the City speech, Mayor Varela informed us that all those not with him would be “out in the cold.” Herman Robinson, prominent resident and landlord in Lake Worth, said at the time that he thought “Rene will be able to bring us all together so we have a less of an “us-and-them attitude.” That is what most people think about a mayor's role. He represents us all.

In July, Mayor Rene Varela gave his State of the City address. He was very clear when he told us that we are spending more than we are taking in and he approved the City Manager’s budget. The Budget, as you know, has a lot of departmental reductions as well as Union cuts. People listened intently, giving the Mayor every benefit of any doubt even when he exaggerated the finances of the City when he gave doom and gloom as our fate—“a hurricane away from bankruptcy.” He sounded like a politician should sound. In spite of the gloom, he gave us hope. Maybe Herman was right...he would unite the political factions.

Now Rene Varela, the leader of our city, is playing a deadly game of politics. Well, why not. He did tell us to vote for career politicians, did he not? Career politicians are the ones who got this country in the mess it is in. What glue pad has he stepped on?

Be very cautious about any career politician especially one that has voted with Suzanne Mulvehill 99.99% of the time since he has been in office and now endorses her opponent. This must have something to do with the fact that Mulvehill beat him the first time around when he ran for city commissioner, District 4. At that time he gave her his endorsement--part of that endorsement stated, "If you are concerned about the quality of life we enjoy in Lake Worth and our future as a growing, prospering and thriving community, please join me in voting for Suzanne Mulvehill, Lake Worth City Commission District 4. " When she beat Dave Vespo in the run-off, she took close to 60% of that vote.

When asked about his endorsement of Lisa Maxwell, he said, "I've gotten to know Lisa over the last few years and she is good in the core." I took that to mean that he agreed with her core values. No one has learned what Lisa's values are--another Lucerne? Getting kicked off P&Z for lack of attendance? More historical homes being demolished? Height limits being rescinded? The Casino project ended? Voting with a developer speculator over an entire neighborhood? Not understanding the budget process and ridiculing a city budget that the Mayor has already approved?

I then asked him if that meant he did not believe that Commissioner Mulvehill was "good in the core." He said he supported people; he did not oppose them. I then said that by sheer support of one person over another meant that he opposed the other. He then said that was my interpretation of his statement. Word games. Political mumbo jumbo.

The mayor is always considered the head of a city. Mayor Varela also sets the tone for the culture and future of the city's operations and acts as the chief spokesperson for city activities and legislation. He blew it. It is all about that "career." He thinks he knows what side his bread is buttered.

Campaign signs at the home of the Mayor in support of two candidates over the others and one a sitting commissioner who he has agreed with on most every vote, is not proper protocol when he represents all residents in this City. He just possibly turned off 60% of the voters here in Lake Worth.


kkss21 said...

Mayor Varela should not be displaying candidate yard signs in his yard.The Mayor is supposed to represent everyone. In private, he can of course support anyone that he wants to.His display of a Lisa Maxwell sign in his yard is a very huge slap in the face of all of the residents of the lake Osborne neighborhood. Lisa Maxwell voted to destroy that neighborhood for two out of town land speculators. My part of town is definitely going to hear that Mayor Varela does not support them!

Arête said...

'Good in the core'... What an odd turn of phrase

Of course, this is almost like saying someone is ‘good at the core’ but that leads to the question does one have to get to the core to get the good? I am not sure this a compliment to either Ms. Maxwell or Commissioner Mulvehill.

I find it hard to believe the Mayor missed the nuance. But then again I find it hard to believe there are not four signs on the Mayor’s lawn given the fact he stated quite clearly during his acceptance speech ‘I will serve all of the people in this city’.

Step carefully dear Mayor… these are muddy waters.

kkss21 said...

Maybe Varela meant to say "Lisa Maxwell is rotten to the core".