Even though garbage and potato chip bags were not dumped on our landfill, other highly questionable materials were. The saddest part of all is that honest people made stupid decisions and paid no attention to the voices of the people.
I don't know why, but we are always surprised by those on the Dais who make bad decisions. Through the years, we have seen all these people who have our lives in their hands sitting up there. Some even run for future office (Jeff Clemens) and are still supported and promoted to this day by the same people who voted for them in the past...thus allowing for the continuation of ineptitude and corruption. Smart people. Stupid people. Compromised people. And when we look at the millions in waste, other reasons come to us such as hands extended under the table. At least it crosses our minds.
What happened at our landfill is probably one of the worst decisions made by a body of elected officials...Lowe, Jennings, Clemens, Golden and Vespo. Some should have known better especially when residents spoke out against it. Even one of our commissioners who probably does more research (primarily on issues that "turn her on,") screwed up when it came to our landfill site. Staff was the culprit for not telling them the history of the landfill. Another commissioner in District 1 was slapped with a huge fine regarding campaign contributions from Sun Recycling, the company that dumped its questionable material on our land... selling herself to the devil. She knew the history.What is paramount and very clear is that the commission never listens to the public. If what we say is against their personal belief or understanding, we are dust in the wind. We came before them and asked them to vote “no” on the Sun Recycling contract. All five of them voted “yes” to screw up our land doing untold damage to it and the surrounding neighborhoods.
April 17, 2007 Agenda Scroll down to Consent Agenda N. There are no public comments included in these Minutes.
This is why it is so important to have a city manager who has been on the job for a number of years and understands our history and understands the events…someone who can advise them on the facts and counsel the commissioners in order for them to make the correct decisions. Instead, we had city managers such as Bob Baldwin at the time of the Sun contract, city attorneys and finance directors coming and going who did not care about our city and some who even lied, covered up and were charged with prosecutable offenses by our internal auditor.
The Sun has Set on Sun
A presentation by Mock Roos will be given tomorrow night at City Hall on our landfill. I have posted two of Bill Coakley's videos on the dumping at this site.9-8-07 - Interview with Joe Kroll - Dump site Fill questioned
I first saw Joe Kroll in action three years ago at the dump site and ever since I have followed his "career" with interest.
On the unedited video--When asked, Kroll said that the debris was tested "twice a week" and that all the records were at City Hall. None of this was so. According to the Mock Roos report dated July 23, 2010, no weekly reports have been located. At the time we tried to obtain them through City Hall and the Freedom of Information. The baseline report established that arsenic was a "parameter of concern" and therefore weekly testing should have been required before this material was delivered to the Lake Worth landfill site.
The Department of Environmental Protection as well as the Health Department let us down. Our Commission let us down. Staff did too. They supposedly were there every day. They saw the dust. They witnessed over 6,000 truckloads bringing in construction material. We all saw the destruction of our property. The Osborne community complained and complained. It cost us millions to close the landfill and now it will cost $1.5 million plus to get it back into shape...some of the material being 3.6 feet deep...all for a lousy $36,000 that we received from Sun.
This is nothing but nonfeasance by elected officials and Staff that should have known what was going on particularly when it was brought to their attention. When you are in charge of something you must know the contract conditions and terms and look out for the City's interests. Learn the job. At least now, three years later and after untold millions of damage, we have kicked Sun out of town thanks to this Commission.
Whether or not we have legal standing to have this debris removed by Sun Recycling remains to be seen.
9-18-07 - Dumping on our landfill
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