Friday, April 30, 2010

Boat Ramp Meters at Bryant Park

I received a report last Thursday that the meter at Bryant Park was inoperable at the Boat Ramp. As our meters at the beach are not working more often than they are, I see dollar signs flying out the window. Maintenance has always been a big problem in the City. Public Works finds it easy to raise fees on everything but finds much difficulty in maintaining what we have.

On Friday I talked to two gentlemen sitting under a pavilion who confirmed that, yes indeed, "the meters are not working." They were outraged that they pay taxes and then have to pay to park their trailer so that they can go out and relax and fish. They even resented paying for a fishing license. They then pointed out the deplorable condition of the courts. One asked me, "How come our taxes don't take care of this stuff?"

$10 a day to park your trailer. There were a few trailers there and I only visited the 2nd parking lot. I talked to one man who pulled up because I noticed he did not go over to pay at the meter and put the sticker in his window per instructions. When I looked at his dashboard, he had a current sticker. He told me that he just bought the sticker from someone else who had been there earlier. Does this happen often?

Obviously this meter is functioning as the sticker was dated for the correct day and is good for 24 hours. I noticed the time on it and it was 9:58 a.m. Essentially, a person could pay for a sticker and come back the very next day up until 9:57am and park again for free. Most fishermen get out early when the fish are biting.

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