Lake Worth Leaders defend firing of whistleblowers. READ THE ARTICLE and view the video.
City Manager, Susan Stanton, equates it to someone yelling "fire" in an auditorium just to see what happens.
Larry Drenski, former Superintendent of Energy, now fired for defending whistleblowers. See LETTER posted at Lake Worth Media.
This should be called LAKEWORTHGATE. There is a cover-up and this is obvious to anyone. It is a real shame when you have two people like this come forward and management treats them like a piece of crap.
It continues to get worse.
What the hell? What is going on here? Is this North Korea?
If you read the evidence and all the reports at www.lakeworthmedia.com, it is clear that Andres and Howard got the shaft. There was indeed a cover-up and two employees were sacrificed for it. This is not cool., not in this town and not in America. Not today.
Just keep everyone suppressed. Is that the way the country is headed? Live or let live and let the other guy pick up the tab.
This is yet another classic example of just how truly dysfunctional Lake Worth has become.
Instead of terminating Andres two years ago when he first began undermining the former Utility Director, the new Utility Director and her accomplices (the Power Plant Manager and City Manager) have decided to take a manageable incident, blow it completely out of proportion, terminate three individuals (Andres, Howard and Larry Drenski) and hand those individuals the makings of a lawsuit of enormous proportions. Unbelievable........and all because of the arrogance of the three principals; Stanton, Mattey and Mulvey.
Should Andres have been terminated? Absolutely! But not for this trumped-up offense, and not in this manner. Andres insubordination has been chronicled and there is more than enough background to justify his departure. Howard and Drenski are another matter.......and Drenski's letter to the commission cannot be played down as if it was written by some disgruntled former employee.
The end result will be the filing of a lawsuit by these three individuals. The City will certainly lose and more tax dollars will be required to pay the settlement. The City Manager and the Utility Director may both lose their positions, but the Power Plant Manager will survive. Then the task of recycling discarded Utility Directors and City Managers will begin again.
I just can't figure out the purpose of this coverup.
For anonymous 6:30,
For your information, Samy got fired in Bartow for the exact same reason that he got fired in Lake Worth (poor employee treatment).
The difference is that it only took them 8 months to get rid of him.
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