Sunday, September 6, 2009

Graffiti again at Lake Worth Beach

It doesn't matter whether it is night or day in Lake Worth when it comes to crime. Gangs and other criminals make no distinction. It is a 24/7 enterprise and our Sheriff is kept busy. And no matter what, there is always someone around to ruin a beautiful day with graffiti in the City of Lake Worth. Now, once again, culprits have moved to the Lake Worth beach. This photo certainly looks like gang graffiti but I am sure Cpt. Silva will know.

According to the person who got the license tag of the alleged culprits, it has now been reported to the Sheriff for him to determine. The blue symbols were painted on the white striped line in the 2nd row of the south end of the upper level area.

Thanks for a visitor from out of town who got involved.

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