PB Parks & Recreation Director was quoted as saying that the County’s “primary justification for providing money to the City of Lake Worth for the beach improvements is to enhance beach access for County residents.”
Now I ask, how will we be doing that? We plan on taking away 164 parking spaces on the upper level and refiguring the lower level to accommodate for this. The County requires that all 628 spaces be for everyone—no special parking for Lake Worth residents who actually maintain this beach and have been doing so from the day we became officially a city nearly 100 years ago. Do you think it is those outside of our City who are paying for our beach by their one buck an hour? It is OUR taxes that pay for OUR beach. Out of the 628 spaces (around 22 spaces) have been for employees. These people will no longer be guaranteed parking either. They will be paying just like everyone else.
Greater Bay wanted to eliminate all but 59 upper level parking spaces. The Singer Plan reduces all but 84. We didn’t like it when it was Greater Bay and we don’t like it now that it is Singer. Same story, same bull. City Manager Stanton will be recommending that the County money be used for the upper level area at our beach rather than the lower level parking area and an additional lot be built at the lower level for the parking that we are eliminating at the top for grass and sea oats. This is estimated to cost 1/2 a million dollars.
So, we remove 164 spaces and then we spend $500,000 to put them back in somewhere else? So what--it's someone's else's money, right?
The City Mgr has recommended that we simply re-stripe the lower level and accommodate for the required number of parking. Re-striping is not expensive. DO NOT USE COUNTY MONEY FOR THIS. We have the money in our Beach Fund and in this way we will be able to have our decal parking.
This County money will not provide for enhanced beach access with the design we have. In fact, it does just the opposite. You don’t go around eliminating convenient parking and then pretend this is enhanced beach access. Who in the heck are you kidding here? Little green people?
With the Plan as is, approved by a Commission that is supposedly for the rights of the people--the "people's commission," a Plan that city residents did not get to vote for in an election, decal parking will be totally eliminated. I think it was Walter Baker who said on his blog a few years ago that Commissions vote their own Agenda first. It stayed in my mind because there is validity to that statement.
So, we didn't get a vote and now decal parking is in jeopardy. Tell the County it is our beach and our residents who buy a decal permit can park anywhere. If that doesn't fly, then we do not put the County money towards the lower parking level. We simply re-stripe the lower parking level as suggested by Susan Stanton and residents could at least park there.
The only stupid thing about it is why be relegated to park down at the lower level while many upper level spaces could be available. People want to park at the upper level if given a choice, unless you are Tom, Wes, Rene and Greg. The residents are not being given a choice and this horrible no bid Plan voted on by this Commission. Sure the County says one thing. Why can’t we say the other?
The most outrageous suggestion that was voted upon by the Commission was to eliminate 164 spaces of parking across from Benny's. Green got in the way of common sense. That entire upper level parking lot could have had trees going down the entire middle with enough "green" to make everyone happy. Any planner could have come in and come up with something beautiful without taking out parking. You did not give it a try. Instead we get a Jungle Jim. Go to Disney World if you want that.
Do you really think that if we insisted on our people being able to park anywhere with their decal parking permits that the County would tell us to forget about the $5 mil. We have been paying on this Bond all along. It would be extremely BAD press for Palm Beach County once again. They won’t do. What could perk up their ears would be to understand that this plan does NOT ENHANCE beach access by LESS convenient parking to the beach.
It is the Art of the Deal. If you can't figure it out, call Lois. I would bet that she would have gotten Stimulus money and told the County to shove it.
P.S. Broaden the wordage on 2009-18. This needs to include any business that is ancillary to the beach, i.e., kayak, diving equipment, boutique, etc.
Your "convenient" parking on the upper deck gives the best real estate to cars, not people.
Enhancing beach access does not simply mean being able to park close to the water. With its drop off points and configurable traffic flow the Singer plan gives much of that space back to the people to use in a variety of ways. Thus making the beach property more appealing.
Poster--read up on the facts
The best real estate gives the convenience to the people who DRIVE the cars.
Go to www.lakeworthmedia.com and read up on the Beach Redevelopment issue special section. We did a lot of extensive studies and interviews on what the people wanted there from those who actually use the beach.
This article was just showing my displeasure once again. The important thing to consider now is the permit parking.
Your post proves my point. The best part of the land is being given over to parking. The trade off of a short walk to the beach, coupled with drop off points is a much better design as far as providing the best use of the most desirable part of the property.
Lake Worth people are getting screwed again. We never should have taken this 5 million.
Tom, we'll never know for sure if this is what is best because this commission dealt the people a fast one. I like to park cross from the pier. I go there every morning. Every space is utilized right now. No one wants to park down below and hike back up the hill. Only you it seems.
This commission is worse than the last.
A small faction of chicken lovers are running this city. We now have to do it their way. They even want to change the name of our city because some Indians were killed a century ago. God love tree huggers.
Thanks Lynn for writing on the beach again. I know you have worked hard on it over the years as has Bill. I remember seeing the videos at his web site and they were very informative. Convenient parking is really what I want and I think everyone wants. It is too bad that after nearly a century that nutty people want to mess it up. I say nutty because taking away our parking is just that. Personally I wouldnt vote for any of these people if they run again. They are way to green for my taste. did you know that you won't even be able to drive up there and see the ocean with this plan? Once the people really know what is going on they will be very mad. It will take that first time that they have to park below that will take them over the top. 300 feet up over the hill. Can't wait for a bunch of mad people who are only trying to have a nice relaxed day. Why don't you do another video. We are ready for one.
Over the past several years we managed to get rid of Greater Bay. That was a great accomplishment. Without this present Commission, we then would have lost control of our beach and all its revenues for 4 decades. So, I don't want to come down too hard on them. However, it does not negate the fact that we never got to vote on this Plan. This disturbs me greatly.
Doing another video is fine but it just won't get us anywhere other than a lot of work. The die is cast. We get the Singer plan and all that comes with it.
Right now, every resident should be insisting on decal permit parking. You were denied the right to vote and your right to have a beach parking permit should not be eliminated. You pay the taxes here. Speak out.
It is, afterall, your beach. 1,500 of us bought passes to park. It obviously is meaningful to us.
Lynn - I agree 100% with you on this one and I am MAD AS HELL about his issue. This is going too far now. Heads need to roll over this B.S..
Nobody's going to shove this ridiculous project down our throats. Nobody.
Mad as hell is quite an understatement. Who do we go see to give them hell about this?
Lynn how does 20 years translate into 4 decades? The GB lease was for 20 years not 40. Greater Bay was not going to eliminate the upper level parking either were they? They were going to pay the city $500K+plus each year. How much money does the beach lose every year now, subsidizing the tenants? You were so glad to get rid of GB. Know that saying-be careful what you wish for? See what happens when you don't know what you're talking about and you spread false rumors. Now you're getting exactly what you deserve. I hope this plan goes through. This situation points out exactly what people say about you, you're never happy with anything. You don't want to come down too hard on the present commission now because you were such a vocal supporter for them and coming down hard on them now would make you look like a hypocrite, or a fool.
Jim-thanks for posting. I am guessing this is Jimbo himself--sounds like his bull. You have no idea what the McCauley/McNamara law suit was about. Got read up on it. Next, if you want to post like this, sign your name. You have NO clue.
Don't worry about it. This is a guy who has had bad toilet training.
Errrr.....that wasn't "Jimbo".
If you read my article I said that Greater Bay was eliminating ALL my 59 spaces on the upper level. Yes, they were going to give us $500,000. So, please don't go around spreading false rumors. :) I am very happy now that Sunset will be righted. So, once again, you are spreading false rumors. I am basically a very serious but happy person. What about you?
Lantana ,Boyton,Martin County residents,-ALL have decal parking. Lake Worth is being played for a fool ,AGAIN. Lake Worth taxpayers lose, AGAIN !!!! We here in Lake Worth have been stuck taking care of our beach for years ,with no help from the county. Look,we should not have to pay for the stupidity of a county that thought CONDOS were more important than beach access for their taxpayers !!Now the county is drooling to get its hands on our beach. Lake Worth residents DESERVE our decal parking. The 5 million is OUR MONEY from taxes WE PAID !!! It is NOT some MAGNIFICENT GIFT from the county !Please, tell the county to take the money and shove it where the sun don't shine. Then tell them we are CLOSING our beach to all EXCEPT lake Worth residents. 20$ to park-free parking if you utilize one of our beach merchants. Walkers and people on bikes still get in free.We would make so much money in ONE YEAR that this stupid 5 million would be nothing.We also need to close our boat ramps to all but Lake Worth residents. TELL THE ARROGANT CROOKS AT THE COUNTY TO TAKE A HIKE !!!!!!!!!!
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