To the few out there who have told me that I write in a negative tone, (only when they don't agree with me) I say it is pointing out the obvious. Do you really want to live in a vacuum? La La Land? The cost of everything is up. Only the government and our CRA don’t understand that it seems, because all of them only know how to do one thing—SPEND and give away money.
State School Board up 6%
Local School Board up 6.2%
Children’s Services up 14.8%
Health Care District up 14.8%
PB County Fire Rescue up 17.2%
We still pay for the Florida Inland Navigation District, interest on the 2002 Recreational Bond (the $5 mil we have NEVER BEEN GIVEN),
Then we have to pay increased fees from
Right now
One faction here in the City believes that by charging more to the residents for whom they feel are the cause of our problems, will make things so expensive that they will eventually move on. Price them out. Some think that the disabled and seniors should be dropped off at our beach and shuttled up the dune and charge everyone a fortune just to use God's beach. Then there are others who still have the build at all costs mentality for the tax base and hell with a single family neighborhood. I dropped in on an 87 year old man the other day and his dinner was a banana, a glass of Ensure and a cookie. Seniors don't have public transportation that is affordable. They can't get to the grocery store and the Publix on Lake Worth Road charges more because they cater to the poor on food stamps and the illegal alien. So many of the elderly are trying to hold on to their independence and won't ask for help, unable to really clean, shop, or put food on the table. They are citizens that have been sacrificed--they have never really asked for a thing...a different generation that has paid their dues.
It just gets “whackier and whackier” as everyone comes up with solutions for all of us to pay more, for less, to be inconvenienced more and pay for that inconvenience. In the meantime certain commissioners pat themselves on the back, say a hail Mary or two, for being so caring to our poor, our helpless and "our" illegal aliens while charging the citizens more for everything and then worry about trees at our beach and spending $5 million dollars to re-configure parking lots.
Before long, we won't have a middle class--those who still have some money to pay the bills. The poorer you are the more things cost and we must tackle the cause before we will ever turn Lake Worth around.
This is what the present system of "GROWTH MANAGEMENT" has done to us. Is everyone happy with the mantra of "YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU "? (Any bets on who the next Palm Beach County Commissioner dragged off to jail in disgrace will be )? Republicans and Democrats- both sucked into the greed and willingly controlled by their grow or die masters.More than 400,000 homes sit empty across the state of Florida. More are going into foreclosure every second,and yet new developments are still sprouting up and being shoved down taxpayers throats!Higher taxes, while home values plummet,all over the state. Fights over water rights,and ridiculous water restrictions that no one can abide by.Insanity.Vote yes to Amendment 4 to stop the corruption and put the citizens back in charge,where we belong! 4 for Florida,4 for our home values,4 for us! Katie Mcgiveron
What you said in this article is all so true. Thanks Katie for your opinion too I agree with you as usual.
I'm pizzed because my taxes went up and my property value went way down. It is less than what I paid for my house 7 years ago.
Wow things are going Cara's way. It is critical that Golden goes.
A BIG Amen to fixing the problems here. I keep reading about murder after murder in this town.
It is really stupid and short -sighted to try to blame the condition that Lake Worth is in on Cara Jennings. So you don't like her stand on illegal immigration. Neither do I ,but I do recognize the MANY other things that Cara has done for the citizens of Lake Worth. Cara is honest,which goes a long way when you look at some of the recent dirt bags no longer on the Commission.Want someone to blame the blight on ? A more likely culprit( Or culprits) would be Rodeney Romano or Tom Ramiccio.There certainly was a method in their madness to let core areas of our city get run down.Things like zoning certain parts of the city certain ways, demolition by neglect,going after a property wanted by your buddy in real estate by coding the property to death,forcing the owner out, then letting said friend in real estate buy the property-minus the code fines, of course. Stop whining and start showing up at Commission meetings.Go after the neighborhood association Pres. who wants nothing to do with the problems west of Dixie.And for God's sake, don't support the very people who screwed your neighborhood in the first place so that they could someday profit from it. Wake up! Katie Mcgiveron
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