Wednesday, June 3, 2009

E-Mail from Commissioner Marcus

Dear Ms. Anderson:

I’d like to acknowledge and thank you for your recent e-mail in support of retaining the Palm Beach County Archaeologist position.

I appreciate your taking the time to write and share your comments with me. I agree that this position is important to preserving our County’s history, however, we are faced with unprecedented budget issues this coming fiscal year. We will do our best to retain as many positions as possible.

Thank you again for writing and if I can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact my office.


Karen T. Marcus

County Commissioner


One reason why Karen Marcus is so popular, she answers every e-mail and every phone call. A lot of politicians could learn from this very simple thing--act like you care about the citizens you represent and that what they have to say is important to you, even if it isn't.

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