Friday, May 13, 2016

The "Blowout?"

The Cruz campaign poll tested a Cruz-Rubio ticket in several states, including Arizona, Illinois and Wisconsin, CNN reported. Campaign sources told the network that the poll results showed a “blowout” for Cruz and Rubio. However, Rubio reportedly failed to show any interest in being Cruz’s vice president and the plan never got off the ground.
Read about it

Meanwhile, all the latest polls, other than Rasmussen, have Clinton in a "blowout" over Trump.
Read about it from the liberal Huffngton Post.

Trump is the presumptive nominee of the GOP.  Only two months away is the GOP convention in Cleveland. Following that, he will put on a full-court press to be the next president of the United States and beat the biggest liar in the history of politics. We haven't seen him lose much yet.

Will it be a "blowout" for Donald Trump and Hillary's worst day ever?

1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

You're entitled.
Rubio beat Crist in his own state--to a pulp.