Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Biased Media

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Cartoon by Henry Payne


Anonymous said...

Trump is a cocky, disrespectful, ignorant, pushy New York bully who is incompetent at understanding how to build consensus or how a democracy works. All his blubbering about punishing women for having an abortion, building walls, deporting illegals, and knocking the crap out of ISIS is all a show to stoke the fears of the great white nation of Ozzie and Harriet , those who are so pissed that affirmative action, equality for blacks and gays and women have made the playground at least a bit more level and the rest of us get an actual chance once reserved for 'white only men' needing to apply or incited to play and succeed.

Phony baloney he is and should be remembered in the annals of history as a fraud. It's no wonder Rubio, Cruz, and most all elected Republicans are so freaked out and not supporting him. Trump is destroying the Republican Party. Sadly we're not likely see another Republicians be elected to the Presidency for at least 8 years... Maybe longer.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Clinton is a hypocrite who destroyed any female her husband messed with, a worse predator than Bill. But then, "what difference does it make?"