Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Candidate forum - The Big Lie Won

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No, Scott, the "shiny object" is NOT the casino; it is your Park of Commerce and your vote to pour $15 million into it and telling the room that money spent at the casino should have been put there, not the beach, one of the most outrageous statements of the night. People come to Lake Worth to spend their money to go to the beach, not to a piece of dirt off of Boutwell Road.

Without a doubt, this was the worse forum to date. The opponents could not compete with the trio--the bullies were ready for them and opponents lost big time. There were only two opponents there: Frank McAlonan candidate in District 3 and Gary Antieau candidate for Mayor. Ryan Hartman developed the flu and Diane Jacques has a teaching job on Monday nights. If this is the way that a campaign is being launched against these highly funded incumbents with the loud and often times obnoxious sound bytes of lies that they have perfected over nearly 5 years, you might just as well fold it now.

There were too many lies to mention and the simple fact is that no one, not even the opponents, know the real answers or the real truth and if they do, they don't rebut. The incumbents go along with the bull. I have said it before, it is the guy who screams the loudest who will get the attention. Maxwell has always been like this but has tempered his personality for months at commission meetings. The mayor changed the policy that elected officials could no longer address residents who speak in front of them after public commentary saying it was not on the agenda. This policy change occurred after his last outburst calling residents who voted against the General Obligation bond, "racists." He got to unleash last night.

There is something to be said about living here for a long time. After awhile, when you have attended enough commission meetings to actually know what's going on first-hand, you can counter the political bull although Antieau is an exception as he has been here for multiple decades. Lake Worth policy and direction changes with every new commission to some degree but if you are not savvy on the issues, you might just as well pack it in. Perhaps the Mr. nice guys should have been using Mr. Nice Guy.

When you have a vice mayor who gets away with outlandish statements such as when he was making people believe that the ITN process was not about secret meetings and said, "They were not secret; anyone could have attended the meetings," and no one challenges that lie, then we have big problems. People want to believe in the lie and Triolo and Amoroso knew the truth but kept their mouths shut.

The late John Gotti said, "I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid." This statement really doesn't fit Scott Maxwell...you can't change someone's DNA. He enjoys the dramatic. Worse than telling a lie is spending the rest of your life staying true to a lie. ~Robert Brault. That quote fits better. This blog was written in sheer disgust because the opponents did not apply nor take to heart Leo Durocher's famous quote--"Nice guys finish last."

And that's what happened last night.  The opponents did not counter. The Big Lie won and the incumbents barreled down the tracks like a freight train and even heaven couldn't help anyone in their way.


Weetha Peebull said...

Last night was an epic fail for the future of the city!
The incumbents lied out their azzes & there were no rebuts
worth their breath!

The people see things PBSO needs to see and bottom line - our
million dollars a month cost and we can't get one sheriff to
get their butts to see the same things? Really - a commissioner
says a man pee's EVERY 1/2 hr and if a commissioner can't get
the PBSO to see it - what hope do the people have?

The CRA should be moved to the blighted areas (if kept at all)
and every penny should be posted like a check book ledger online.
The people need to know the CRA HOGS the Tax increase of the
usual & customary city tax base and all the increase in taxes
is in the CRA's hands and NOT US! This group is unelected, un-
accountable and unwatched - we are asked nothing, get little info
ahead of time and are TOLD - Hey - Look what you are getting!
We ALL get an electric bill and this important info should be
the only information given in the bill insert- it's a transparency

The ITN WAS a SECRET PROCESS and audio was only open to the public AFTER it
WAS OVER. Does anyone think if the meetings were open to the public and anyone
heard what we did on the audio it would've stopped the ITN immediately!
The truth is in those tapes - even the employees knew if the info got out,
Szerdi wouldn't get re-elected. He not only didn't get re-elected - he got
stomped by a 34 year old!

I heard how we need 'jobs' and we even have an 'economic development'
person who we pay well and why aren't they screaming EVERY TIME we hire
anybody but a LW (PBC) person/business? The latest CRA signs way_finding project
shows $157K budgeted, Andy said they paid (a PA Company) $25K for a really
lame presentation (for an artists community) and there is NO MONEY for the
actual signs! They will go beg like dixie hwy whores (w/lipstick & ties) for
OUR TAX MONEY BACK. Don't we have a Fed & State Lobbyist that we pay like
$7K a month for - why is the dais doubling up and spending extra to do the
same job?

Also the electric program the mayor spoke about - hummm - Andy said about
a year ago No One Was Taking Advantage of it - what happened now the mayor
says so many are? Really - what changed - when did it change and what is the
number of participants?

The people were fed a word salad that is old and moldy - needs to be tossed.
Think for yourself how long they have been in office and how much has actually
been accomplished vs what has been tried (do-gooders) w/out the asking the
people - and the blowback because the "Moving Forward" thing isn't much of
the people's ideas but another group that would prefer you sit down, shut up
and be grateful for the 'we know better than you' gruel they are serving!

Anonymous said...

It seemed that the predesignated junkyard dog last night was rotated to Scott, from Andy at the last forum. And a very happy and forceful spouter of lies he was, back at what he does best, muzzle off and dark guns blazing. "Anyone who wanted could attend the ITN meetings" is up there at the top. Suddenly the "Cone of Silence" surrounding this process (and expounded on at length recently on this blog by one of their cronies) NEVER EXISTED! WTF?? Does he think we are all stupid? I don't think so really. The message is just that we voters who are not developers do not matter. When I approached him last night politely I was told curtly "I know nothing I say could lower you opinion of me more." Is this acting professionally? Certainly not even civilly.

John Jordan said...

Your tax money has been mishandled for 4 or 5 years--throwing it away. Look at the money. How much longer can we survive with this mishandling. You can't keep screwing around, dealing with stupidity. The people sit and applaud the three incumbents who are misusing the money and believing the lies.

Anonymous said...

"Without a doubt, this was the worse forum to date." We have people running who don't admit living in Lake Worth, who won't attend forums because it is inconvenient for them and then when the incumbents show up prepared and show how little the opponents grasp the issues here in Lake Worth, you say it was the worst?

I wish it had been closer too. But it was obvious Gary doesn't have a clue. Frank might make a good candidate once he admits living in Lake Worth and not West Palm Beach and gets educated on the issues here.

The anarchist known on social media as "The Onion" who couldn't make it probably did himself a favor not showing up. There were screen shots of social media posts of his where he talks about shooting cops available for the public to see and make their own assessment of this character. This guy is a real peach.

And the producer of "Hogzilla", which she also wrote and directed didn't think it was important enough to stand up for the issues in Lake Worth opting instead of the door to door approach where she can't be challenged.

I hope we get another chance to see and hear these fragile candidates before the all important vote.

Anonymous said...

it was a terrible showing for the challengers last night, but there is a long way to go to change people minds! onwards and upwards!

Anonymous said...

NA debates are a waste as the NA's are all about politics and many agree with Maxwell, and his entourage.they must like big mouths and big development. Door to door is the way to win and that's what they're doing in New Hampshire.Can't wait to see Pam, Andy and Scott's attack mailers soon to come out.

Anonymous said...

So far the only person who has knocked on my door or had a representative knock on my door is Hartman. That speaks volumes. It is clear the incumbents don't want my vote, they haven't asked for it and they haven't explained why I should give it to them when they spend all their time going on and on and on about how they can't do this and they can't do that b/c of prior administration.

I have two questions for them: (1) why can't you get PBSO to be accountable (part two, why can't you get PBSO to do their jobs); (2) why does code ignore the worse properties in this city, the properties with serious crime and safety issues being used for drugs and prostitution in favor of citing residents for grass issues?

Anonymous said...

In spike of the unchallenged lies last night, I have no intention of just giving up and allowing this well oiled gang of 3 to railroad over both the truth and our votes. Even if there is a learning curve I would still vote in my dog over the gang of 3 perched snuggly in the pockets of developers and looking for another chance to squander off our most valuable assets. I think becoming so discouraged by this is just playing into their hands, not to mention those of HH. Yes, it was a discouraging night on many levels. How often can we be silent witnesses to the assassination of history and truth all in one fell swoop? That makes me even more determined to vote for a change and a say in how my money is spent and how my city is run.

Lynn Anderson said...

Politics is slimy in this city. I'm with you 11:12.
There is always a learning curve. Everyone who ever ran for office had to learn. Unfortunately what many politicians learn after many years of being in office is how to lie better, louder and be generally obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

One cannot expect to win a contest if one does not show up and the ones that do show up are unprofessional and cannot stand and defend. I'm afraid the incumbents will indeed prrvail.

Anonymous said...

Did you really quote a MOBSTER in Gotti as the guiding moral light for your post???

Lynn Anderson said...

The quote was relative and certainly not a "guiding moral light." You can be a mobster and get it right. You can also be a big bully in Lake Worth and be 100% wrong. Lying catches up with you.

Weetha Peebull said...

Worst 1st isn't codes priority but it is the
lie the trio tells! Look back at the CM & Lantana.
He was known as the grass gestapo! The people
who were called on by code had their names placed on the
'wall of shame' and it was nothing more than a revenue
generator! A while back I pulled the sustainability dept
budget for employees and it was 1/2 million to just say hello!
They say they made $750K in the fee's and fines so there's
the truth...sustainability has NOTHING to do with being
green but everything to do with generating revenue for the

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:13 What challengers where unprofessional ? You had a incumbent wearing a hat and the other two lecturing and borderline screeming at voters. Last night wasn't a forum. It was an ambush. The challengers may not be policy wonks but they showed up and took fire in enemy territory. They did the best the could to stand up for the unheard and uncounted. Both Frank and Gary earned my respect last night.

Unknown said...

For those of you who were at the South Palm Park, (not South Palm Way Park) candidates forum last night at The Beach Club and for those of you who are going to watch it on video, (thank you Wes Blackman), I want to correct a blatant lie that has no doubt been told at neighbors front doors countless times when video cameras aren’t recording. Frank McAlonan, (who his Facebook page says as of today lives in West Palm Beach), candidate for district 3 who has recently moved to Lake Worth, when commenting on getting the Gulfstream Hotel reopened accused the Planning & Zoning Board of meeting in secret on The Gulfstream. Frank, you might want to get better information from your handlers because that is not true. I’ve been on the P&Z Board since 2012 and there has never been a secret meeting held since I have served on that board. Secondly, do you know that The Gulfstream is in a historic district and matters handled by P&Z boards in historic districts are handled by the Historic Resources Preservation Board. Serving the city in any volunteer capacity, carries a lot of responsibility. City board members work hard to move the city forward, when accusations of improper and or illegal conduct by someone wanting to lead a city, that are not true, does nothing but drag us in the opposite direction. Frank, you should do one of two things; prove there was private meetings with the P&Z Board or apologize at a public meeting to the hard working members of the P&Z.

Anonymous said...

Scott, Andy and Pam all felt comfortable where they were and in their own skin. Scott knew the questions before hand.

Lynn Anderson said...

Greg, what Facebook page are you referring to?

You guys are tripping all over yourselves to discredit candidates.

You don't need to explain "secret" meetings. We know what they were. After all the lies told last night by these incumbents, it is rather ironic that you are calling for some apology from Frank.

Anonymous said...

When does Andy apologize for stating on his door hangers that Frank doesn't support Firefighters and Police Officers? Where is Andy's evidence? Nothing to see there. Just Andy being Andy.

Unknown said...

Here you are Lynn;


Lynn Anderson said...

This is an inactive Facebook page that he no longer uses.
The only one that is official is his campaign page.

Anonymous said...

Dear Greg Rice,
I, for one am, requesting an apology from yourself since you are now essentially accusing me unjustly and without any basis in fact of lying; merely because I am working and walking with Frank going door to door. I did not realize you had the right to defame me for supporting a new candidate, or that in your omniscience you can somehow ascertain magically from afar that "a blatant lie (has) been told at neighbors front doors countless times when video cameras aren't recording." You and your henchmen are sinking to new levels when you are accusing the very voters you should be listening to and courting of malfeasance because they support a candidate other than you wish. I have been going to meetings for some 2 years now and am still uncertain of all the ins and outs of complex city management and various boards. I am a graduate of Johns Hopkins who did not find me to be a liar or deficient mentally. So I think a learning curve is to be expected. I have heard more than one inaccuracy from behind the dais at Council meetings from the trio you espouse. You are a very intelligent gentleman and well versed in both the running of this municipality and the intricacies of real estate. You are a very valuable and talented person in our community and your time is valued and contributed freely. So I thank you for your service, but not your insult.

Anonymous said...

Is that the sound of crickets I hear as to the misinformation spread by Andy regarding Mr.McAlonan's stance on the firefighters and PBSO? Andy doesn't have to apologize for that then I guess. Maybe there's no answer that can be copied and pasted to other blogs.

Anonymous said...

Actually Andy copied his insults from a former diatribe against a former commission. Ya better take him very seriously because he didn't even have the time to make up new insults and untruths for this election. Same stuff, different year and different opponents. The dynasty rules, voters drool, and this is Lake Worth damnit, and don't you crummy citizens expect to be represented. We know what is good for Lake Worth and what is good for you, you dumb smucks. Now shup up, accept our insults and vote for us. Or we may just have to annul your election.

Unknown said...

Anonymous 2-9-2016 @ 5:20 PM. Sorry if you didn't differentiate between an opinion and a slanderous statement. The slanderous statement recorded on video was made by F Mc, made Monday accusing a quasi-judicial board of conducting secrete meetings. Watch the video and see for yourself. My opinion, made about that statement being made at neighbors doors was not not directed at you, or other volunteers. I'm pleased to hear you too went to John Hopkins. I went there back in the early '90's. I was there visiting my brother who was a patient in the hospital when Dr. Carson was working there. And Lynn if the Facebook page Frank has stating he lives in West Palm Beach is inactive the last post he made on it was made less than a month ago. The first post I saw on his campaign page was made on my Birthday last December. "Things that make you go, umm."

Anonymous said...

Greg Rice should run for Ryan Maier's seat next election

Lynn Anderson said...

I guess he would have to move to that district!

Anonymous said...

That shouldn't be a problem