Monday, August 3, 2015

We're NOT Dummies

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So says the Vice Mayor who wants everyone out there listening that we are all dummies especially if we are against any further development at our beach. If you were at the meeting where the two companies introduced their plans or if you listened to the audio, everyone following his statement refers to the project as the "beach"...even the city attorney and the city manager. We all get it; why doesn't he?


John said...

The mayor talks about lies. Why doesn't she just shut up Scott who constantly tells lies about our financial plan at the beach? Why?

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of this I'm smarter than anyone else and warned you routine. He has always been against the beach.

Anonymous said...

This diversion about language is just that a diversion/distraction by the commission and HH.

Yes, we all know that the sand is not being sold, why do they think we are so dumb. When I talk about going to Benny's I say I'm going to the beach not the pier. When I talk about going to Mamma Mia's or Mulligans I say I'm going to the beach not let's go to the Casino. Basically, the only time I differentiate is when I'm heading to the pool and I say I'm heading to the pool at the beach.

Anonymous said...

Scot can't hear what we the people are trying to tell him because his ears are all plugged -with Hudson Holdings MONEY !!!!

Anonymous said...

Right, Scott, the mayor, andy, all of them only care about their campaign money and promises from big business! We can see through all of this, I bet the CM also gets some type of kickback too, WE CANNOT TRUST THEM, none of them. Thanks Lynn for exposing the truth. Leave our beach, all of it, alone!

Weetha Peebull said...

They are providing excellent sound bites
for the next election. I can see it now -
that wasn't me and I didn't say that as
the video from public record shows how great
'thou art' attitude that stinks up the people's

Anonymous said...

Good investigative reporter needs to do some digging. Has to be $$$ in their pocket or else they couldnt possibly be this STUPID! How many other people are on their payroll like West Blackman????

Anonymous said...

Sadly enough I bet they all still win re-election.

Lynn Anderson said...

That's what they said about John Szerdi. You never know what's cooking out there.

Anonymous said...

Yah but look he's still envolved with the politics and influencing the corruption