Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sunset 3-8-25

Ben Shapiro: “We write to urge you (President Trump) to immediately issue a pardon for Officer Derek Chauvin, who was unjustly convicted and is currently serving a 22-and-a-half year sentence for the murder of George Floyd and associated federal charges.”

Shapiro continued, “Make no mistake—the Derek Chauvin conviction represents the defining achievement of the Woke movement in American politics. The country cannot turn the page on that dark, divisive, and racist era without righting this terrible wrong.

“Thank you for your commitment to ending the weaponization of the American justice system.” BEN SHAPIRO

Good Night, Patriots!


Anonymous said...

I know the Democrats are right about most things, but I have a hard time voting for them because they’re just so cringe.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:22...the Democrats are WRONG about most things and that's why they got slaughtered in the last general election. No one is into socialism, communism. globalism and Marxism other than misinformed, brainwashed Democrats..