Sunday, March 16, 2025

Democrats Blame Game


Anonymous said...

I liked it yesterday, too. You should run this every day!!!!!

Lynn Anderson said...

OK...the message needs to sink in. LOL

Anonymous said...

The real problem is that the Democrats think that most Americans are idiots and stupid when we really know what's going on that's why they've sunk to an all-time low their hate will never win over love. Just really evil slaves for Satan it's very sad pray for our country pray for president Trump pray for Elon musk and make America great again! We all know the Dems are demonic and are all going to hell anyway! Just look at how the evil Dems treat blacks and Hispanics and gays acting like we're all so stupid and that we're going to fall for their dumb ploys they really are evil people Maga all the way!

Anonymous said...

Dems are haters people without God, they are unhappy and live in misery negativity and hate, so most good people are abandoning this wicked mentality.