Friday, May 24, 2024

The AR-15 has become a bogeyman to the anti-gun lobby

Anti-gunners use lawsuit to target Smith & Wesson

Anti-gun lobby has been searching for ways to make AR-15's illegal

President Joe Biden’s attempts to pass a federal so-called assault weapons ban haven’t gone anywhere.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen is a roadblock to the most aggressive measures against AR-15s in blue states.

So, anti-gunners got creative in an attempt to target the popular rifle.

They went after one of the companies that produces AR-15s, Smith & Wesson.

A group of Catholic nuns was behind the lawsuit, including the Adrian Dominican Sisters, Sisters of Bon Secours USA, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, and Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus & Mary filed a lawsuit claiming the shareholders were against the AR-15's and claimed without evidence that AR-15s are “machine guns” that should be regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA).

They dropped their "case."

The Left is trying to use the legal system as a vehicle to enact policies that they can’t get passed through any legislature.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't categorize a group of Catholic Nuns as "The Left"

I remember when a group of Catholic Nuns were able to vote their shares of stock to stop Children in East Africa, I think it was, from working in Cocoa Harvesting.

Catholics do a lot of good things.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:02...this group of nuns were activists and the Left. The Pope is a communist so why not nuns?

Anonymous said...

Americans don’t know what communist /communism is they just throw around the word like liberals call everyone they don’t agree with “Nazi”or racist. So no the pope is not communist he’s not a good pope but not that kind of bad.

Lynn Anderson said...

Oh, we're that dumb, huh? The leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics has called capitalism a source of inequality at best - and at worst a killer.
He has endorsed lots of communist dictators and loves Raul Castrol

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily dumb but ignorant.