Monday, November 13, 2023

"Nope, I change my mind--MAGA supporters are NOT a threat to the country"

Biden Walks Back Divisive Speech, Now Admits MAGA Republicans Aren’t A ‘Threat’

Joe Biden has walked back his claims that he views 74 million supporters of 45th President Donald Trump a threat to the country less than one day after he delivered a prime-time presidential address in which he explicitly stated that “MAGA” supporters in the Republican Party are a “threat to the country.”

When asked about the anti-MAGA remarks made during controversial speech last night, Biden said he actually doesn’t consider any Trump supporters to be a threat to America.

This is from September 2022 but worth repeating. Standing before blood red lights with marines standing at attention behind him, Biden declared to the entire world that “Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”

Here is a video clip where he said MAGA was a threat--


Anonymous said...

still not voting for this a..hole

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL, don't blame you for not voting for Biden, the worst president in the history of our country.

Anonymous said...

Pedo Joe gotta go!

Anonymous said...

Joe and the ho gotta go was I bumper sticker I saw not to long ago!

Anonymous said...

he is the most dishonest and crooked elected ever in our history!

Anonymous said...

biden is a hater! He lies he is not a Christian or a Catholic really.