Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Real Deplorable

Hillary Clinton floats 'formal deprogramming' of Trump supporters

Suggests GOP base is made of bigots

Democrats are great at calling people names who disagree with their horrific policies.

Clinton once referred to half of Trump's supporters as belonging in 'basket of deplorables'...who can forget that? She lost her election which was a great thing.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for a "formal deprogramming" for many supporters of former President Trump during a new CNN interview.

Discussing the recent upheaval on Capitol Hill, Clinton contrasted what she called the "sane" part of the GOP caucus who helped prevent a government shutdown with the "cult" wing devoted to Trump.

Clinton continued, "Because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen."

She thinks Biden will beat Trump and then the MAGA "cult" will fade away. LOL.


Anonymous said...

she needs pelosis face lift surgion

Anonymous said...

It's too bad Republicans aren't able to take the insults from Democrats the way Democrats do from Republicans.

"Deplorable" and "bigot" would actually be an improvement from the garbage Republicans through at Democrats.

If you're gonna sling it, you gotta be able to take it.

Lynn Anderson said...

If the "insults" had any truth to them, perhaps, but Democrats lie about everything.
So you lie, and we throw it right back at ya...harder, with facts.