Military Obesity Threatens National Security
A recent study conducted by the American Security Project revealed a worrying trend in the U.S. military, with nearly 70% of American soldiers classified as overweight or obese. This has significant implications for our nation’s military readiness and national security.The Body Mass Index (BMI) was used to assess the weight status of the soldiers, with the “obese” category more than doubling over the past decade from 10.4% in 2012 to 21.6% in 2022. This alarming trend suggests that obesity is a significant issue that needs to be addressed urgently.
Obesity has long been a disqualifier for military applicants, with less than a quarter of Americans aged 17 to 24 qualifying both academically and physically for military service. This poses a significant challenge to the U.S. military, which has struggled mightily to meet enlistment goals in recent years.
Check your BMI
J--I just checked and I am obese!
I thought it was interesting
It's more alarming than interesting.
I never could stand fat people. Even the ones in my family. There is no reason to be fat. There are so many things you can eat, (if you have to be eating all the time) that are low calorie.
I love cake. I eat cake all the time. Brownies, Croissants, whatever, but you don't have to eat the whole cake.
You just take one cookie. You don't have to eat the whole box of cookies.
These are just bad habits. You don't need a psychiatrist.
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