Sunday, October 15, 2023

Heinous Statements by Squad members

‘Squad’ Members Were Boosting Hamas Long Before It Beheaded Babies

Congress has turned a blind eye to the far left’s dangerous and inappropriate partnerships with Hamas front organizations.

In the wake of a brutal terrorist attack on Israel, members of the ultra left-wing “Squad” in the U.S. House released public statements calling for a “ceasefire” in Israel, after terrorists went door-to-door on Oct. 7 indiscriminately murdering families and collecting hostages.

Statements from the Congress members, many of whom have pandered to pro-Hamas groups in the U.S., effectively deny Israel’s right to defend itself and suggest that the atrocities are part of a larger tit-for-tat “cycle of violence.”

In other words, Israel had it coming, and it should lay down and “de-escalate” in the face of a terrorist invasion by land, air, and sea — even as Israeli hostages are paraded naked and bleeding through the streets of Gaza.


These despicable Democrats (Tlaib and Omar are the worst) need to be expelled from Congress.

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