Thursday, October 5, 2023

Biden scared to death of MAGA

Biden spoke on Sunday after Congress successfully prevented a government shutdown, seemingly taking credit for the deal. However, during his statement, Biden appeared visibly aged, experienced moments of confusion, and even stumbled over his attempt to criticize MAGA Republicans.

Biden faced additional challenges on Sunday when he was interviewed by liberal, Republican hating John Harwood of ProPublica, who had previously left CNN. He resigned from CNN because the network wanted to become more fair and balanced...he called Trump a "demagogue." He even went so far as to say that Joe Biden had nothing to do with his sons indiscretions or I should say, corruption and crimes. LOL

Both Biden and Harwood framed the interview around the topic of the “threat” to democracy.

1 comment:

Lynn Anderson said...

To anonymous who never adheres to policy and is a big coward never posting under her name, I want you to know that I never delete a post.
Got it?