Democrats, the politburo and the mainstream media are standing on a two-legged stool trying to convince the rest of us with at least a modicum of common sense and a rudimentary level of observational skills that Joe Biden won 81 million votes without election interference, compromised voting machines, fractional voting algorithms, fraudulent ballots, ballot harvesting and straight up cheating. [lifezette]
If CNN, the NY TIMES, MSNBC and Twitter had been running huge "stories" leading up to the 2020 election, that Trump was secretly planning to create Death Camps to kill millions of children and puppies in...and this fictitious invention turned so many voters against Trump that he lost the election...I would expect that most reasonable people would AGREE that the ELECTION had been STOLEN.
IF this election had been stolen, and a simple minded puppet of the globalists was installed as the elected president-- what should the American people do upon learning this...and what should Trump do?
If YOU knew the 2020 election was stolen by the Democratic knew it for a FACT... WHAT would you do? If Trump knew it for a fact, what should he be doing?
Did the Democrats STEAL the election " Fair and Square" ? Is that even possible? If a murderer gets away with a murder for a couple of years...does this mean he should get a "pass" on the murder and not be prosecuted?
It doesn't matter. It's over. Whether he won or he didn't win, he is never going to be in the White House again. You should learn to accept this, as it is making your Blog very boring.
People have moved beyond this. Even if all of the evidence points to his having won the election, it is not going to matter.
What are you trying to prove? That you are right. Okay, I give up! Have it your way. Can we move on now?
@4:00pm... I invite you to "MOVE ON" to a liberal blog. This blog supports Donald Trump until such time he decides not to run in 2024.
The only people complaining are Democrats and a few RINOS. We don't support anyone among these groups.
You're beating a dead horse. If you're so adamant about all of this, go stand on the corner with a sign. Nobody is listening anymore.
@4:50 beginning to believe you are someone only your mother could love. :)
Liberals, socialists and that ilk may not be listening.
To anon@4p
In terms a progressive should be able to connect with......
You are a parent, and your child was savagely molested 2 years ago. No arrests were made, but suddenly two years later you learn ..for a fact, who the child molestor was, and where they now live.
Do YOU just "move on", or do you decide justice must prevail?
Do you let the criminal get away with their horrific crime...because it's been two years and " they got away with it"?
The stolen Election is the same concept but much worse. If you think we should let this election go, I feel very sorry for your children and friends.
Why in hell do you post liberals comments? Can't understand that at all.
LOL. Last time I came, everyone was complaining about the stolen election. Nothing ever changes.
Can someone explain to me how the election for president was stolen when it was included on ballots that had a bunch of other races in which Republcans won? It doesn't make sense to me. Were certain parts of ballots counted and then the rest ignored? Someone with the inside scoop needs to explain this to me.
The scenario you pose is only relevant on a personal level. With a good attorney, you might be able to bring this case to trial.
You're talking apples and oranges. You want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Most of the people in this country, aren't even following this issue, and if they were, do you think they want to bring an end to their comfortable lifestyle by engaging in a Great Civil War?
Use your head. Whatever happened, this is one that was lost to the Republican Party. I personally, would never vote for "him" again, no matter who was running against him. I am capable of not voting, if it suits my political conscience.
The key to winning elections, is to pick candidates that can win. Got it!
It does matter! The devilcrats cheated! They are demonic, possessed by Lucifer, destroying our country and world ! It matters!
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