Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Another steal? Dems allegedly giving in to 'temptation' to keep House

Using radical rewrites of congressional districts to 'rig' elections

Jonathan Turley, a prominent constitutional expert is warning that Democrats are giving in to the "temptation" of "rigging elections" in their attempt to keep the majority of the U.S. House in this fall's elections.

The party that does not control the White House, in this case Republicans, usually raises its representation in the House by dozens of seats during midterm elections such as this year.

But Democrats hold a majority now only by a handful of seats, making it likely that they will lose the majority in the fall.

In their schemes to maintain control, according to Jonathan Turley, a constitutional expert and the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University, they are following "Oscar Wilde’s rule that 'the only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.'"


I still belive we have to watch the ballot harvesting, mail-in ballot schemes. Oh, and let's not forget, the voting machines themselves.

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