Monday, February 7, 2022

Attracting STEM talent to America

House Passes Bill With More Measures For Immigrants In STEM Fields

Now, this sounds like a good thing--retain more graduate students in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Amendments to a recently passed House bill will expand immigration opportunities for foreign-born scientists and engineers. If retained during negotiations with the Senate, the measures in the bill could become the most significant on legal immigration to pass Congress in more than 30 years.

Supporters of the provisions will argue that no bill promoting innovation can justify not including improved ways to attract and retain foreign-born talent. More than 70% of the full-time graduate students at U.S. universities in electrical engineering, industrial engineering and computer and information sciences are foreign nationals.

Members of Congress have recognized that other countries are doing a better job than the United States attracting and retaining such talent.

Read about it... a truly interesting article.

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