Thursday, October 7, 2021

Biden Says "Negative Signs Make Him ‘Pumped Up"

Biden Responds To ‘F*** Joe Biden’ Slogan

’81 Million Americans Voted For Me’

Something needs to "pump" Joe up...There were more protesters there than supporters!

Biden spoke at a union training center in Howell to an outdoor crowd of under 50 people, including Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), Democratic House members and various local officials. This was his first stop on a cross-country tour.

The president eventually responded to the many Trump supporters who held signs that read “F*** Joe Biden,” “Trump won,” and various other anti-Biden slogans.

Read about Joe...

It's really sad when a President of the United States attracts less than 50 people and then has to brag that he "won," a debatable victory by 77 million voters..


Anonymous said...

Red State is reporting today that Trump got 150 million votes and Biden got 5 million. With so many illegals voting, I bet those Biden votes are all illegals which means that almost every American voted for Trump. Why isn't this being reported?

Anonymous said...

F' Joe Biden!

Anonymous said...

Informal bridge tender info : Appprox 2,000 boats flying Trump flags seen. 3 boats with Biden flags seen. Biden won. Right.