Friday, October 22, 2021

81,000 pages of Discovery turned over by Durham to indicted Democrat lawyer

Durham unloads thousands of documents to Sussmann defense

Special counsel John Durham provided 81,000 pages of discovery to indicted Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann in his criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation, court filings show.

Although Durham alleged Sussmann told General FBI Counsel James Baker he was not working for any specific client, the special counsel contends Sussmann was secretly doing the bidding of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign while billing her team for it and working on behalf of technology executive Rodney Joffe.



Anonymous said...

Is it possible that they will hold Clinton responsible for this?

Anonymous said...

Clinton Crime family will hide or kill if anyone blames them.

Shhh, we want you to not be killed by suicide.

F' Joe Biden.