Saturday, October 16, 2021

Biden really screwed up on our Energy Policy

Biden Makes a Secret Plea to Oil Companies

Recall the executive orders Biden issued on his first day in office alone, which included canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and halting oil exploration on federal lands just as the U.S. had reached energy independence during the Trump years.

Climate change over common sense!
David Asman @DavidAsmanfox
A year ago we were energy independent, a net exporter, and a gallon of gas was 2 bucks and change. After less than a year of a war on fuel producers here and giveaways to Russia, all those gains are reversed. The surprise is how quickly everything changed.

If Biden is serious about getting gas prices down, here are a few ideas that might help: Greenlight the Keystone XL pipeline, restore Trump’s policies regarding exploration for oil and natural gas on federal lands, don’t raise taxes and regulations on energy producers and stop devaluing the currency with massive new rounds of deficit spending.


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