Sunday, August 8, 2021

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely"

Sen. Cruz: 'Pelosi is Drunk on Power' - Probably Vodka Too

"On Thursday, Senator Ted Cruz slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor, declaring that she is drunk on power with her new mask mandates. Power isn't the only thing she is drunk on...I'd say there is some vodka in the mix too.

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Great men are almost exclusively bad men, even where they exercise influence and not authority,” Cruz said, pulling from a series of letters to Bishop Craig from Lord Acton. He added that “those words were true in 1887, and they’re true today.”

“Who the hell is she to be fining members of the House?” Cruz asked, “That is an absolute and complete abuse of power. She has no authority to disrespect the men and women who work here to threaten you with physical harm to threaten you with imprisonment."

Read more of Ted...

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