Monday, August 9, 2021

Biden/China connection at University of PA

The Biden Center Caught Concealing Massive Amounts Of Money Coming From China

The Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania has been caught concealing dirty money. It has been alleged that the center has received tens of millions of dollars from China and failed to disclose it.

According to the report published by Campus Reform, The Biden Center at UPenn is under scrutiny over “gifts” from China that were not correctly disclosed to the federal government.

The center, named in honor of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, accepted a $22 million gift from an anonymous Chinese donor. Federal law requires any foreign gift over $250,000 must be disclosed to the government. Whoever receives the gift must also disclose the identity of the donor.

Read about it... and the Biden/China connection. Pennsylvania appears to be a "dirty" place in many respects like the 2020 election.

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