Monday, June 7, 2021

Election Fraud - Who, What can we Trust?

Our nation has been led like sheep from one hoax to the next

"Throughout the presidency of President Trump, the liberal mainstream media propagated one lie after the other. We had Russian conspiracy lies, Stormy Daniels' lies, and a plethora of garbage stories designed to derail his efforts as the 45th President of the United States."

And then there was election fraud.

The biggest problem isn't "if" there as any level of voter fr@ud, the problem is that the radical left is battling to suppress every single attempt to unveil the truth.

Read what Sidney Powell has to say

I always vote in person as I do not trust mail-in ballots being processed correctly or even received. Now, with all the latest with voting machines switching votes, etc., what and who can we trust going forward? During the last election I even called the Supervisor of Elections to make sure my vote was counted and recorded.

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