Here it comes — The Republican Party of Florida voted last week at its quarterly meeting to officially oppose the measure (the party already filed legal briefs against it last October). RPOF Chairman Joe Gruters said Monday the party is now “moving forward with our plans to try to take it down.” Democrats also don’t like the amendment either. State Sen. Bobby Powell, a West Palm Beach Democrat, along with other members of the Florida Legislative Black Caucus plan to hold a press conference today denouncing the measure as something that could lead to less Black and Hispanic representation.
On the margins — It’s not clear if there will be any kind of sustained paid campaign from either side although one political committee has begun evaluating some Facebook ads that opponents are already contending are misleading. Billionaire heath care executive Mike Fernandez put more than $6 million to get the measure in front of voters, but nearly all of that was before Amendment 3 made the ballot.
Doing the math — Still, a combined social media/earned media campaign could prove problematic for the citizen initiative since it needs to win 60 percent. One big question, however, is whether opponents are starting too late since mail-in ballots will be shipped out later this month.
Tom Vaughn
Member of the REC
Black legislators Blast Amendment 3
Vote No on 3
I guess the Republican AND Democrat parties would be against open primaries. Keeping them closed allows them to keep a grip on power. The largest growing segment of the voting population is "no party affiliation" or "independent".
That word independent should strike fear into both sides of establishment politics. Image that; someone who can think with their own brain and not the party line.
One example could be Hardy. If everyone was allowed to vote for the best candidate in the primary, Hardy might be looking for another term here in Lake Worth.
Hmmm.... Maybe you are right.
An Independent can vote in the general election and vote for whichever candidate he likes best. So, what's the problem?
If you want to vote in a Primary, register with a Party. It's been that way since my Mom voted here in the 50's.
Keeping the Primaries closed, allows a minority party to have a candidate...Why should the Democrats pull a fast one? This is sort of the same principle as the electoral college...giving every state voter a chance to have a voice otherwise we would be run over by the blue states that have the largest populations (like California and New York) that would swing the election their way every time.
Registering for a party locks you into voting that party in a primary. If you aren't married to a party, and like to think independently, why should you have to register for either party to be able to vote. As a citizen, I would like to be able to vote in the primary, irrespective of my stated Independent status. The rule is based on both parties desire to manipulate you and your vote. More and more people are registering as non-affiliates, so the parties will have to work a little harder for your vote.
I don't think its a matter of "thinking independently." In this political environment and you still don't know which Party you should align yourself with and devote your energies to, capitalism vs. socialism and the total ruination of the United States of America, then heaven help you. Really.
Vote NO on amendment 3...it sucks.
If we had more independent people, we would have better governance. Think about local elections! Think about the democrats, in particular, taking for granted the largely democratic precincts. Just the fact that you register as an independent gives the parties something to fear.
I am not a radical left winger, pro-abortion, pro-union, pro-antifa, pro BLM and I am not a radical right winger, bible thumper, climate change denier, KKK racist or anti-capitalist. I happen to think there are redeemable ideas on both sides near the middle.
Yes, people making Billion$ can afford to foot more of the bill. Yes, health CARE, not health insurance, should be a basic right for CITIZENS and so, tes, the richest will have to pay a larger share than they are now paying. Quitr squeezing the middle class.
So therefore I don't fall into the rhetoric of either totalitarian political view. You are a hack for the republican party and very biased in your views. I agree with many of your views.
So why shouldn't I be able to vote in the primary AGAINST a particularly bad candidate in either party or FOR someone who I find in the middle. We will eventually need to get back to the center where most Americans reside. The two extremes are tearing this country apart. Open the primaries.
and your depiction of conservatives is laughable.
Start reading some history. The Democrats own the KKK.
Not socialist in this country and everyone deserves an opportunity for success...a good education in taxpayer paid schools and life, liberty and pursuit of happiness...The Bill of Rights.
Those without health insurance still have health care. Who says we need to distribute the wealth? That's socialism. The wealthy already pay more than their fair share.
I would say voting FOR someone is better than voting purely AGAINST someone and that's what the majority of Democrats are doing in this election. It's all about defeating Trump. We know who we like and why and should vote accordingly.
We will never get back to the middle...NEVER. Democrats are too far gone. It's the right way or the wrong way, no in between.
Do you think a card carrying KKK member would vote for Biden? True, the KKK was started by the Democrats and the Republicans freed the slaves, but the descendants of the slaves now embrace the Democrat party and the KKK embraces the Republican party.
We live in today.
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