Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Horrors in New York Hospitals.

"We're not treating all the F-ing covid patients! It's like being in the F-ing Twilight Zone"

A Nevada nurse who traveled to New York to help treat COVID-19 patients has posted a tearful Facebook Live video claiming that patients are being “murdered” by “gross negligence and complete medical mismanagement.”



Anonymous said...

For too many years, we have left everything up to the computer. This is indeed a horror movie, and I feel intense sympathy for anyone who has to be part of this debacle.

There actually are legitimate cases for law suits, and this may be one of them.

Anonymous said...

Another tearful "nurse" ? Sorry,don't believe a fucing word.

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe everything she has said.

Anonymous said...

I believe everything she said too. You must live in a cave buster!