Sunday, February 2, 2020

Bribery by Another Name

Obama-Biden Admin Fined Bank Millions for Something Suspiciously Similar to Burisma Hiring Hunter

"According to regulators from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Justice and the Federal Reserve, the banking giant (JP Morgan Chase) had “‘corruptly influenced government officials’ with its hiring and internship tactics in China,” knowingly bringing under its employ the unqualified children of foreign officials for stronger regional sway.

And said tactics, formally referred to within the company as the “Sons and Daughters” program and so flagrant in their corrupt nature that spreadsheets were kept to monitor “how often the hires turned into business deals,” had prompted a three-year investigation by the Obama administration."

"JPMorgan was prosecuted for hiring the unqualified children of Chinese leaders under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. I think it’s fair to ask Joe Biden why, if it’s a corrupt act to hire unqualified kids to gain influence w Chinese leaders, it was ok for Burisma 2 hire his son," asked Ari Fleischer on Twitter.


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