Friday, August 2, 2019

Just another Biden Gaffe

Biden Believes Trump Will be President for “Eight More Years”

Biden doesn't always say it the way he means it and his statement is just another example of the Biden gaffe. With all the crap that President Trump has had to endure over the last 2.5 years, another two years would be justified by all of his supporters and it would certainly stabilize our country. 😂
“Four more years of Donald Trump will go down as an aberration. Hard to overcome the damage he’s done but we can overcome it. Eight more years of Donald Trump will change America in a fundamental way.” Joe Biden

1 comment:

Joe Walsh said...

The Republican Party once believed in:

*free trade
*free markets
*balanced budgets
*limited, honest, & transparent government
*opportunity for EVERYONE
*national security
*the rule of law

The Republican Party now believes in:
