Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Obama behind the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation launched against Trump
Former Top Prosecutor Explains Why Obama Needs To Be Held to Account for Russia Investigation
Read about it...Son of a gun, what's Swalwell, Mad Max and Pencil Neck going to say?
Donald Trump,
Robert Mueller,
Cesar Chavez Day
Cesar Chavez Was Virulently Anti-Illegal Immigration
"Sean Giordano Published on Jul 13, 2014 Mark Levin takes a short tour-de-force on how Democrats try to rewrite history, which in this case involves Cesar Chavez, who co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (later the United Farm Workers union, UFW). While he has been lionized by the Left, Mr. Chavez was virulently anti-illegal immigration ( Let me re-peat that, Mr. Chavez was virulently anti-illegal immigration ("Cesar Chavez Day is a U.S. federal commemorative holiday, proclaimed by President Barack Obama in 2014 (He made a lot of great decisions). Latino lawmakers are celebrating Cesar Chavez Day and advocating for undocumented immigrants.
City Commission Meeting April 2
The City of Lake Worth is re-doing its web site. Who knows why.
The city would be happy if no one showed up for meetings.
"We are preparing something amazing and exciting for you, our new website is set to launch on June 1st."
We immediately need the agenda for the Tuesday, April 2 meeting. We have already learned about why we no longer get the meetings live and why we don't get the back-up---lawsuit paranoia.The city would be happy if no one showed up for meetings.
The Absurdity of it all
I always get a kick out of this sort of many "parties" in downtown Lake much silly stuff...floffing and gay parades where people act ridiculous and everyone thinks it's fun or funny. You would never know that we have slum, blight, crime and illegals. We're good at sweeping that under the rug. That is a big part of the problem here and in the country in general.
The other huge problem in our country is that of "racism" rekindled under Obama that was steadily disappearing in our society. Eric Holder, who says "America was never great," and other Democrats, continue to use racism to further separate our citizens. Ever since the Obama administration, we have had a big divide in racial relations and sanity.
Today, we even have Democrat candidates for 2020 apologizing for being White furthering the racism. It is absurd--blowing bubbles.
Block Party,
Downtown Lake Worth,
Eric Holder,
United States
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Democrats are the Roadblock to end Illegal Immigration
According to Breitbart, "the United States is projected to add about 1.5 million illegal aliens to the American population by the end of the year, should current rates of Catch and Release, border crossings, and visa overstays pan out."
Despite objections from all Democrats and a few RINO's, Trump was able to "bypass Congress and redirect the money, breaking the customary legislative procedure on Capitol Hill." He is getting $1 billion from the Pentagon.
And hear this all weenie Democrats--President Trump has been determined to protect our country in spite of all your roadblocks and will not be deterred by all the Democrat lawsuits filed by state attorney generals.
Follow our immigration laws and BUILD THE WALL.
Build the Wall,
Trump continues to get shot down on Healthcare plans
Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump’s Small-Business Health Insurance Plan
Read about the JudgeThe Trump administration continues to bring affordable health insurance plan alternatives to the American people just to get them knocked down in the courts. They have been unable to repeal Obamacare in Congress and have tried to use its rule-making powers to open up a pathway for alternatives.
Repeal and Replace has failed due to all Democrats and a few RINO's, one who voted "no" months before he died. It was a personal vendetta. McCain did not fulfill his word. Prior to that disappointment in the Senate, the House had approved a bill to repeal certain aspects of Obamacare and replace it with the Republican Healthcare Plan.
"The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Obamacare and its Medicaid expansion are responsible for 44 percent of the projected future increases in entitlement spending." [HeritageFundation] The nation can't afford medicare for all.
Grab that Tiger by the Tail
GOP: 'Track down' Russia hoax's 'dirty cops'
"If you're going to grab a tiger by the tail, the first thing to remember is don't let go.While the anti-Trump media and Democrat die-hards are -- in true bitter-clinger fashion -- still hanging onto the officially disproved Russia-collusion narrative as though their political lives depended on it (because they do), the reality is the tiger of their own making is no longer in their grip.
It's about to be turned on them."
Read about it... at WND
Parilla sets up Grant for his late Grandmother
Mark Parilla, still active in Lake Worth, offers $1,209 grant to help neighborhood in Memory of his beloved Grandmother
In Mark's words:WHAT: Genesis and co-sponsor Enticed Artistry will announce the process to apply for the first “Leocadia Fonseca Grant” (Matching grant of $1,209.00 (December 9 was his Nana’s birthday ergo the $1,209.00)
WHEN: Lake Worth Beach Regular City Commission Meeting April 2, 2019 - 6pm
WHERE: City of Lake Worth Beach City Hall - 7 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth, Fl 33460
WHY: When his grandmother passed away, he wanted to find a way to help others do what she found so much joy in and taught him to do; help those in need. He says that it is a small gesture to honor the memory of an amazing and unconditionally Loving woman.
He has also launched a new website.
Read about it...
Friday, March 29, 2019
Quote of the day - Mitch McConnell
Kid's bike stolen in Lake Worth
Bike thefts are still prevalent in Lake Worth (Beach). In the past, it was reported by PBSO that it was the number one stolen item here. The thief just stole two bikes at What A Buy Thrift Store at 29 S. H Street but left behind a kid's Spider Man bike.
Read about the low-life...
The name change of our city will never reduce crime. Now that the press has caught on to our new name, more and more crimes will appear as happening in Lake Worth Beach and rightfully so--this is where the crime is.
Read about the low-life...
The name change of our city will never reduce crime. Now that the press has caught on to our new name, more and more crimes will appear as happening in Lake Worth Beach and rightfully so--this is where the crime is.
Pelosi on Smollett
How did that work out for you, Nancy? The Trump-Hating Left love stories like Jussie Smollett. And they NEVER apologize when they get it wrong, which is most of the time.
Jussie Smollett,
Nancy Pelosi,
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Wow, another Democrat wants to run for President
A little known Miramar mayor wants to be president.
Fundraiser by the Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation
The Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation invites you to a Luau-themed fundraising event to be held this Saturday, April 6, 2019 at 5pm at The Beach Club on the Waterfront (at the Lake Worth Golf Club).
There will be an island inspired buffet dinner and a show!
The proceeds will benefit their mission to provide scholarships to assist students in their future endeavors and needed resources to supplement the education at LWHS.
Call before you send a check to ensure availability--Ms. Velazquez at 561-328-5905 or email at for more information.
Please make checks out to LWHS Alumni Foundation and mail it to the Alumni Luau Co-Chair, Rut Velazquez, at 1314 South L Street, Lake Worth, FL 33460. Tickets are $45 per person. If you can’t attend, we ask that you consider a donation of any monetary amount to help us in our effort to raise funds for a great cause! Remember, your contribution is tax deductible, as our Foundation is a 501c3 organization.
Smokable Marijuana hits Lake Worth
A small jar costs from $37 to $57. The new law limits patients to 2½ ounces of marijuana per 35 days. Patients take it home and roll their own cigarettes with it. This smokable form is a new way to get it in Florida, besides vapes and oils.
Read more about it...
Soon we will see some real zombies walking around town.
Smokable medical marijuana is hitting the shelves at local dispensaries.
A small jar costs from $37 to $57. The new law limits patients to 2½ ounces of marijuana per 35 days. Patients take it home and roll their own cigarettes with it. This smokable form is a new way to get it in Florida, besides vapes and oils.
Read more about it...
Soon we will see some real zombies walking around town.
Threat to the President and to Pentagon
Has anyone heard this on the news--anywhere--any station--any newspaper?
The vehicle was stopped on the Interstate for going 130 mph and then the driver's intent was discovered.
Read about it...
bomb threat,
Death Threat,
Donald Trump,
IDF levels Hamas targets
Since October 8, 1997, Hamas, founded in 1987, is on the United States Terrorist List.
A rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip at central Israel,” the IDF said in a statement. “In response, IDF fighter jets recently targeted the office of Hamas Chairman, Ismail Hanieyeh in the northern Gaza Strip neighborhood of Rimal.
A rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip at central Israel,” the IDF said in a statement. “In response, IDF fighter jets recently targeted the office of Hamas Chairman, Ismail Hanieyeh in the northern Gaza Strip neighborhood of Rimal.
Lake Worth (Beach) Creep
Stench leads PBSO to four caged, filthy dogs in Lake Worth home
Hey, this is working out for Lake Worth (Beach). The PBPost is attributing this creep to Lake Worth when in fact he lives in our city limits.Read about it... and view his photo.
I hate cruelty to animals more than anything I can think of.
Animal Cruelty,
City of Lake Worth,
Annual Art & Art Deco Architectural Event
Where: Meet at Lake Worth Playhouse, 713 Lake Avenue, Downtown Lake Worth
When: Saturday Morning ~ May 4th, 2019
Time: 10:00 a.m. sharp
Optional: 1 p.m. / Buy Your Own Lunch / Brogue’s 621 Lake Ave, LW
The Tour Will Be Led by ADSPB President Sharon Koskoff
Meet at Lake Worth Playhouse at 9:45 a.m. and wear your walking shoes, sun tan lotion and a hat!
Visit the Lake Worth Playhouse, the Cultural Council, public murals and art galleries.
Refreshments will be served. Learn About the History of Art Deco and see the Streamline Moderne Buildings of Lake Worth!
Cost: $20 per person, or $18 in advance!SPB Members $15
Visit ADSPB Info 561 699-7899
When: Saturday Morning ~ May 4th, 2019
Time: 10:00 a.m. sharp
Optional: 1 p.m. / Buy Your Own Lunch / Brogue’s 621 Lake Ave, LW
The Tour Will Be Led by ADSPB President Sharon Koskoff
Meet at Lake Worth Playhouse at 9:45 a.m. and wear your walking shoes, sun tan lotion and a hat!
Visit the Lake Worth Playhouse, the Cultural Council, public murals and art galleries.
Refreshments will be served. Learn About the History of Art Deco and see the Streamline Moderne Buildings of Lake Worth!
Cost: $20 per person, or $18 in advance!SPB Members $15
Visit ADSPB Info 561 699-7899
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Trump - Obama Presidential Approval Ratings
Still ahead of Obama by one point but Trump's approval should be up at least to 80%. The Fake News and Trump-hating Democrats have really "done a number" on the President.
Supreme Court - Amendment to keep the number at Nine
Marco Rubio Proposes Constitutional Amendment Limiting Supreme Court to Nine Justices
All the liberal weenies are doing everything they can to control their faux idea of democracy. It's all about power. Some Democrats have suggested increasing the number of justices by five and their ideas range from adding seats to the high court to imposing term limits on judges and more. They continue to whine about Merrick Garland not being approved as a Supreme Court Justice and presidential hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand even has said that Brett Kavanaugh holds an "illegitimate" seat."To prevent the delegitimizing of the Supreme Court, I am introducing a constitutional amendment to keep the number of seats at nine. Our institutions matter. Our Constitution matters. And we should fight to protect them," (the 9 seats) Rubio added.
150 years ago, the Judiciary Act of 1869 officially set the number at nine justices. It's worked for all these years until the Democrats began to whine the moment Donald Trump came down that escalator.
Marco Rubio,
Supreme Court
The Collusion Delusion
Liberal weenies are wandering aimlessly, weeping and sucking their thumbs. It’s “Collusion Delusion” and it’s real. Hug a liberal today
Read about it... PowderedWig.Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Herman Robinson in a Landslide
Commissioner District #4 - LAKE WORTH
No surprise as Tom Copeland conceded the election and the Robinson campaign made sure that every voter in Lake Worth knew about it.Congratulations to Commissioner Robinson on his re-election.
Herman Robinson,
Tom Copeland
Trump's Veto stands
House fails to override Trump veto on border emergency
A super-majority was needed.Now, some do-gooder Republicans and ticked-off Democrats are seeking to amend the National Emergencies Act to rein in the president’s future powers.
U.S. schoolkids sing: Allahu akbar
... we are your soldiers.
When hearing about schoolchildren singing lyrics such as "Khamenei is our leader" and "Allahu akbar ... we are your soldiers," you wouldn't think twice if this were happening in a Muslim country overseas.
But it's taking place right here in a Muslim school in Houston, Texas. WTH is going on in Texas?
Read more at WND
When hearing about schoolchildren singing lyrics such as "Khamenei is our leader" and "Allahu akbar ... we are your soldiers," you wouldn't think twice if this were happening in a Muslim country overseas.
But it's taking place right here in a Muslim school in Houston, Texas. WTH is going on in Texas?
Read more at WND
We voted!
President of ROLO and chair of Save Our Neighborhood PAC, Katie McGiveron. She was the 14th voter at 9am this morning.
What JFK said about abolishing the Electoral College
While Dems Try To Abolish Electoral College, Remember This Key Argument from JFK
"In 1956, while Kennedy was still a senator from Massachusetts, a bill came up that would essentially have amended the Constitution to allow for a national popular vote."When I was a young adult, John F. Kennedy was president. I registered as a Democrat after he became president when the Democrat party stood for American values--self-reliance, assertiveness, equal respect, etc....back when there was integrity in politics.
Click here to see what President Kennedy said
Electoral College,
John F. Kennedy
Creepy Porn Lawyer Arrested
Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) say Avenatti formulated a scheme “to extract more than $20 million in payments from a publicly traded company by threatening to use his ability to garner publicity to inflict substantial financial and reputational harm on the company if his demands were not met,” according to the criminal complaint.
Couldn't happen to a sweeter guy.
Read the Criminal Complaint
Monday, March 25, 2019
CNN Admits "No evidence of collusion." It's over!
CNN's Jeffrey Toobin reacts to the news that, according to a Department
of Justice official, special counsel Robert Mueller will not be issuing
fresh indictments
Donald Trump,
Jeffrey Toobin,
Robert Mueller
March 26 Run-Off election tomorrow
Past Chair of the Lake Worth Finance Advisory Board, Tom will be on top of things regarding our city's finances.
He was endorsed by the Palm Beach Post Editorial Board, Firefighters and Realtors.
Tom raised a total of $13,587.45
Describes himself as a "low-Key advocate for many of the better things that have been coming from city government..."
Endorsed by Commissioner Andy Amoroso, former Commissioner Retha Lowe and other electeds.
Herman raised $22.886.19.
Past Chair of the Lake Worth Finance Advisory Board, Tom will be on top of things regarding our city's finances.
He was endorsed by the Palm Beach Post Editorial Board, Firefighters and Realtors.
Tom raised a total of $13,587.45
Describes himself as a "low-Key advocate for many of the better things that have been coming from city government..."
Endorsed by Commissioner Andy Amoroso, former Commissioner Retha Lowe and other electeds.
Herman raised $22.886.19.
City of Lake Worth,
Herman Robinson,
Tom Copeland
No Collusion--Trump Triumphs
Liberal weenies are crying and still looking for conspiracies under every rock. They decided to destroy this president with every lie imaginable over the past two plus years. They hurt our country. "Attorney General William Barr demonstrated he is determined to go by the law, not bend to the winds of politics" but the Democrats still will not quit.
Read the AG Letter
Read the AG Letter
Donald Trump,
Robert Mueller,
What it's all about
Sunday, March 24, 2019
11 Year old Drag Queen
Mom Of “Drag Queen” Child Denies Abuse And Continues To Exploit Her Autistic Son For Cash
With the Gay Pride Parade soon to be in Lake Worth on March 31, this article is of interest to all LGBTQ's or should be. Exploiting children in this manner should be a crime whether you are gay, straight or in-between.Read about it... and see photo of this 11 year old child performing in gay bars as a child drag queen.
Downtown Lake Worth,
Drag Queens,
Fake News Media continue their stupidity
Trump hater Joy Reid Comes To A Real Stupid Conclusion About The Mueller Report
"The take from MSNBC’s Joy Reid may actually be one of the most asinine takes of all. According to Reid, the Department of Justice is simply concealing the 'true' information about President Trump; this is what she believes and publicly professed, as documented by Townhall."Read about her nutty conspiracy theory
Donald Trump,
Fake News Media,
Robert Mueller
Trump on Leadership and John McCain
"Mr. President, he's dead,"said Maria Bartiromo. "You brought McCain up, Maria."
Donald Trump,
Fox News,
John McCain
Quote of the Day - Alan Dershowitz

He also noted that the report is likely to be one-sided--
“This is because prosecutorial reports – and Special Counsel Mueller is a prosecutor – are, by their very nature, one-sided. Prosecutors only listen to inculpatory evidence rather than including exculpatory evidence. They interview witnesses against the subject, but not witnesses in favor of the subject. That is why the Trump legal defense team needs to provide its assessment of the Mueller investigation.”
~ Alan Dershowitz
Harvard law professor and political liberal
Alan Dershowitz,
Quote of the Day,
Robert Mueller
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Did Ilhan Omar commit Imigration Fraud?
Confirmed: Feds informed Ilhan Omar married her brother
"Now that Robert Mueller has concluded his investigation of President Trump and submitted his report to the attorney general, perhaps he could begin investigating Rep. Ilhan Omar's reported eight-year marriage to her brother.The last we checked, perjury, immigration fraud and bigamy are still crimes in the United States.
And it shouldn't be hard to do.
The evidence has already been gathered and the feds have it in there possession. That has been confirmed.
Of course, maybe there is a different set of rules for Democrats." [WND]
The Old Fool
Bernie Sanders Calls for Stripping of Second Amendment Rights Overnight
I really hate to discriminate about age (I'm up there myself) or use identity politics but Bernie Sanders has to be the biggest and oldest fool in United States politics in every aspect imaginable.Democrats politicize everything and now they are using the mass Muslim shooting in New Zealand to start calling for stricter gun control and banning guns again.
We need to carefully watch over our Constitution. Not only is our 1st and 2nd Amendments and Electoral College in jeopardy but our democracy and freedom overall.
Gee, a Lake Worth (not Beach) Thief
Wallet thief caught on camera in Lake Worth, sheriff says
"LAKE WORTH, Fla. (CBS12) —Investigators are looking for a woman who they say swiped a man's wallet at a local convenience store. The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office shared photos of the woman at the Food Mart on North Federal Highway near Lucerne Avenue in Lake Worth.
Detectives said a man left his wallet on the counter and she took it. This happened on March 17. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-458-TIPS if you recognize the woman. You will remain anonymous and could receive a cash reward if your tip leads to an arrest."
Click here and see the photo
Friday, March 22, 2019
Why Republicans could lose 2020
Republicans Moving to Curb President’s Emergency Powers
Some Republicans don't like the fact that the National Emergency Act usurps their power.Why didn't they complain when Obama did 12 of them? Why now when we have a real emergency at our border? Why now, when Donald Trump is in your party and really is Making America Great Again? Stupid.
Read about it...
Solidarity is the key to win in 2020 and supporting the President.
Border Wall,
Donald Trump,
National Emergencies
Cesar Sayoc Guilty of sending Pipe Bombs
I met Cesar Sayoc when he was standing in line right next to me at a Trump rally in 2016. He didn't seem "off" but rather an ordinary guy who claimed to be extraordinary as a leader of the Seminole Tribe. I chalked it up to the fact that many people want to feel special but his story, although odd, seemed perfectly rational. WFLX, Channel 29 must have thought so as well because they interviewed him.
Read about it...
He plead guilty yesterday for sending pipe bombs to CNN and to haters of Donald Trump. He will be sentenced in six months.
Cesar Sayoc,
Domestic Terrorism,
Donald Trump,
President Trump can Build the Wall
The low roar you hear outside is liberal weenies moaning from sea to shining sea as the Pentagon comes up with $13 billion for border wall funding
"The Pentagon is today reporting that it has found $12.8 billion to apply toward border wall funding, which is coming from the DOD budget, not from Syria operations, but from a little here and a little there."Read more...
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Holy crap--A man was stabbed in the face in Lake Worth (Beach)
The Palm Beach Post hasn't caught on yet to the name change. One of the main reasons for voting for the change, so the city told us, was so that crimes committed outside of Lake Worth would not be attributed to the city.
Well, this one is IN the city limits--
LAKE WORTH — While having a beer the evening of Jan. 17 at a Lake Worth restaurant, Ronal Galindo was repeatedly stabbed in the face by a stranger sitting at the table next to him. The knife wielding idiot was finally arrested two months after the crime. Of course, he committed it when we were still Lake Worth and not Lake Worth (Beach).
Well, this one is IN the city limits--
LAKE WORTH — While having a beer the evening of Jan. 17 at a Lake Worth restaurant, Ronal Galindo was repeatedly stabbed in the face by a stranger sitting at the table next to him. The knife wielding idiot was finally arrested two months after the crime. Of course, he committed it when we were still Lake Worth and not Lake Worth (Beach).
Destination Lake Worth
Even the CRA hasn't caught on to the name change yet--Let's see what the name change will do for developing every possible square inch of our city. And notice it will be held at the Lake Worth Casino...great spot for developers to assess our valuable beach park.
City of Lake Worth,
The "real" Collusion Connection
Report Claims Ukraine Colluded With Hillary Campaign to Defeat Trump
"Ukraine Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko’s probe was prompted by a Ukrainian parliamentarian’s release of a tape recording purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the Manafort financial records to help Clinton’s campaign."Read about it...
Crooked Hillary,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Paul Manafort,
Judge Jeanine and Donna Brazile
Terror-tied group presses Fox News to fire Judge Jeanine as Fox hires Donna Brazile
"The Judge is one of the most beloved personalities at the Fox News Channel, not to mention one of the most controversial.Now, a well-known terror-tied group in America is pushing hard for the network to give Judge Jeanine Pirro the complete boot."
And nothing would surprise me about Fox these days. They continue to hire left wing commentators and recently hired another controversial figure, Donna Brazile. She was the Interim Chair of the DNC and served on many Democrat campaigns. It was proved through Wikileaks that she fed some of the debate questions to Hillary Clinton in October 2016. She denied it but intelligence sources confirmed it. Now FOX hosts have to coddle her.
Read about the HATE Group trying to get Judge Jeanine fired. Has Fox lost its mind?
Donna Brazile,
Fox News,
Judge Jeanine,
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Quote of the Day - Marco Rubio

~ Sen Marco Rubio
Run-Off Election Official Notifications
According to State Election Law, the Run-Off election has to be advertised one time before the election date. In the case of Lake Worth, the date is March 26. There is no specific amount of days before the run-off date that the city must notify voters. It could appear in a publication one day before the election.
It will be advertised in the the Lake Worth Herald this Thursday, March 21 and in the Palm Beach Post and El Latino on Friday, March 22.
CNN Sucks - Comparing Trump to Hitler
CNN Compares Trump to…You Guessed It…Adolph Hitler
Democrats wonder why they are so hated now. They are all part of a Hate Cult right along with the fake news media. They believe it's cute to personally attack the president and all conservatives--they believe the lies. It's not good enough for them just to call us "racists" anymore...they have gone a step into the dark bottomless chasm of evil.The President gave a great speech at CPAC (which was terrific) and the Democrats went off the charts with hate comparing our president to the most evil man who ever lived. As Alan Dershowitz said, "Anybody Who Compares Donald Trump to Hitler is a 'Holocaust Denier'."
“Everybody is compared to Hitler. Everybody is compared to the Holocaust. Israel defending itself against Gaza rockets—oh, they’re Nazis. Anybody who compares Trump or anybody else to Hitler essentially is a Holocaust denier because what they’re saying [is], 'well, there were no gas chambers, there was no Auschwitz, there was no plan to kill six million Jews.' They minimize it,” the professor said. “To say that anything that happened since then is comparable to the Holocaust and certainly to compare the American political system to anything that happened in the Holocaust is just outrageous.”
Read about it...and the "get even" fake news CNN. Politics is very slimy in the United States and the slime balls are pushing the button.
Donald Trump,
Fake News Media,
District 4 will have a Run-Off election & Omari Hardy District 1 takes Oath
Based on the Charter of Lake Worth, there will be a Run-Off election on March 26 between Herman Robinson and Tom Copeland as neither candidate got 50% plus 1--Robinson had 48.6% and Copeland 27.5%.
In spite of the fact that Tom Copeland conceded, the city will have another election costing approximately $25,000. The City is, and always has been, paranoid about lawsuits and therefore did not accept Tom Copeland's concession. As a reminder, Herman Robinson always said he would only run for one term.
Omari Hardy at 50:09 of the video gave his 5 minute thoughtful and impassioned comments, saying "We must have peace on the dais."
In spite of the fact that Tom Copeland conceded, the city will have another election costing approximately $25,000. The City is, and always has been, paranoid about lawsuits and therefore did not accept Tom Copeland's concession. As a reminder, Herman Robinson always said he would only run for one term.
Omari Hardy at 50:09 of the video gave his 5 minute thoughtful and impassioned comments, saying "We must have peace on the dais."
Herman Robinson,
Omari Hardy,
Tom Copeland
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
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