Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Friday, November 30, 2018
Beto exposed by Project Veritas
This is a reminder of the guy who is the darling of the Left and who has indicated he wants to run for President of the United States.

Published on Nov 1, 2018
• "I just hope nobody that's the wrong person finds out about this."
• "It's f***ing happening." O'Rourke Campaign Staff Uses Pre-Paid Cards for Honduran Alien Supplies
• "Don’t ever repeat this…" Campaign Staffers Explain How to Hide Campaign Expenditures for Aliens
• "If you get caught in some sort of violation that's like a $50,000 fine," "For me I can just ignore the rules and I'm like f**k it."
• Transporting Aliens to "airports… bus stations," "None of this is like sh*t there is a rulebook for"
• Staffer Says She Sent Texts to Director; Told Campaign Manager Jody Casey, Who Says "Don't Worry"
Tijuana issues Stern Warning to Caravanners
Caravanners Get Bad News from Tijuana Gov’t: Rain Is Coming & We’re Not Paying To Keep You Dry
Everyone needs to be cheering Tijuana's leadership on. They're making the hard decisions about illegals that American liberals refuse to make.Read about it...
WTH is the matter with Michael Cohen?
Why would Michael Cohen lie about what he did? Really dumb. Was everyone so paranoid about a trumped up Russian collusion connection? President Trump says he is a "weak" guy.
Read about it...
Read about it...
Donald Trump,
Michael Cohen,
Was it a laser light? President Trump at the lighting of the national Christmas tree
Democrats have one objective--get rid of Donald Trump anyway that they can and even a Christmas ceremony will not deter them in that pursuit.
Following is a video of the President's speech from the national Christmas tree lighting event that also shows an unexplained red dot at the 4:50 mark moving from his face to his chest--
Following is a video of the President's speech from the national Christmas tree lighting event that also shows an unexplained red dot at the 4:50 mark moving from his face to his chest--
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Palm Beaches Marathon this Sunday
November 29, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
WHAT: Palm Beaches Marathon
WHEN: Sunday, December 2
WHERE: East Lake Worth
On Sunday, December 2, the Palm Beaches Marathon will be taking place through the City of Lake Worth. For the safety of the participants there will be minor travel delays between 6am and noon on Federal Hwy, N Golfview Road and N Lakeside Dr between 3rd Ave N and Duke Dr. Intersections will be closed as the marathon passes and will reopen immediately following. PBSO and event staff will work to limit travel delays while ensuring safety during the event.
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
WHAT: Palm Beaches Marathon
WHEN: Sunday, December 2
WHERE: East Lake Worth
On Sunday, December 2, the Palm Beaches Marathon will be taking place through the City of Lake Worth. For the safety of the participants there will be minor travel delays between 6am and noon on Federal Hwy, N Golfview Road and N Lakeside Dr between 3rd Ave N and Duke Dr. Intersections will be closed as the marathon passes and will reopen immediately following. PBSO and event staff will work to limit travel delays while ensuring safety during the event.
Brenda Snipes - Only in America
Broward Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes Cashes In, Will Receive Nearly $130k in Yearly Pensions
Plus she gets a cost of living increase every year of 2 - 3%.Read about Snipes... Only in America.
Will Illegals be getting ID's in Palm Beach County?
PEACE calls for community IDs, slams commissioners who skipped meeting
Held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center where the Grand Ballrooms A&B jointly hold 6,808 people in a theater-style setting, or up to 3,371 when separated, PEACE was disappointed with the attendance of around 2,000. The only Palm Beach County Commissioner who attended was the mayor, Mack Bernard.They are pushing ID's for illegal aliens and helping the homeless. "A county proposal to set aside $75,000 for a community ID program has been approved by the county’s Criminal Justice Commission, an advisory group of community and government officials. Commissioner Dave Kerner, who sits on the Criminal Justice Commission, helped secure that $75,000, a point PEACE official noted Monday."
Read about it...
If approved by the county, we will become a sanctuary before too long. You think we have trouble at the border now? Perhaps we can, on a smaller scale, be another San Francisco for the homeless and another sanctuary city like Los Angeles for the illegal border crossers, tents and all.
County Palm Beach,
Dave Kerner,
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Commissioner Hardy wants to change the name of our city
Just how long have you lived in the city of Lake Worth, Omari?
Watch the video... where Commissioner Hardy gives his reason to change the name of our city, a city called Lake Worth for 105 years.
No one is happy. They want to build to the sky. They make deals with developers and change zoning. Once the first General Obligation Bond for roads failed at the ballot box, the city figured out where it went wrong and re-wrote the ballot language and presented it again. They were determined to get the $$$$40 million.
Now, the administration is for changing the name of our city. If that happens, all crime will be reported as Lake Worth Beach. Watch the attendance at our beach go down, down, down. Oh the irony of it all and the stupidity.
Watch the video... where Commissioner Hardy gives his reason to change the name of our city, a city called Lake Worth for 105 years.
No one is happy. They want to build to the sky. They make deals with developers and change zoning. Once the first General Obligation Bond for roads failed at the ballot box, the city figured out where it went wrong and re-wrote the ballot language and presented it again. They were determined to get the $$$$40 million.
Now, the administration is for changing the name of our city. If that happens, all crime will be reported as Lake Worth Beach. Watch the attendance at our beach go down, down, down. Oh the irony of it all and the stupidity.
City of Lake Worth,
Omari Hardy
Kid with MAGA cap
Leftist teacher calls student an asshole for MAGA hat...evacuates class
Read about it...
There are rules in schools as well as dress codes. Kids today can be really one big pain in the arse and acting out their independence isn't all that unusual today by challenging teachers who are in authority. Wearing a cap is not allowed in that school. The fact that he was wearing a MAGA cap was irrelevant to the calling out/discipline he received, or was it?
Lindsey Graham chastises Ocasio-Cortez
Graham Blasts Ocasio-Cortez for Her Holocaust-Migrants Comparison
Lindsey Graham says Ocasio-Cortez does not know the differences between the Holocaust and the caravan in Tijuana and she needs to take a tour of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Trump threat to shut down the border
Trump Threatens Definitive Final Step over Migrant Disaster
President Trump tells Mexico to deport the caravans of migrants who have made their way to the U.S.-Mexico border “anyway you want.”Option B is, if they fail to comply with this “demand,” the U.S. border will be shut down, “permanently, if need be.”
Donald Trump,
DeSantis chooses Short List for Florida Supreme Court Justices
DeSantis Vows to Choose Three Justices Who 'Respect Our Constitution and the Rule of Law
Former Congressman and Harvard graduate, now Florida's governor elect, is ready when he takes office to appoint three new Supreme Court Justices out of a short list of eleven if Rick Scott doesn't do it first."Nine of the nominees indicated in their applications that they were members of the Federalist Society, a conservative legal group whose principles state 'it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.' " We conservatives certainly believe that and now we will be guaranteed of that principle.
The three judges who will be replaced are of the liberal block and have reached mandatory retirement age.
Not only was the 2016 election important for United States Supreme Court justice appointments but Florida was as well in this mid-term election.
Read about it...
Florida State of,
Ron DeSantis
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Latest cable news ratings
I love Hannity but he needs to listen more and talk less. He continually interrupts guests...drives me crazy. And consequently, he has lost some viewers. When you lose to Rachel Maddow, you have to know you are doing something wrong.
CNN says no rock throwing at border--WRONG AGAIN. and their ratings keep dropping like a rock.
CNN says no rock throwing at border--WRONG AGAIN. and their ratings keep dropping like a rock.
Fox News,
News Media,
Sean Hannity
Jerome Corsi refuses Mueller's plea deal - "I'm not guilty of anything."
The American people have got to understand we have a criminal Department of Justice, and they are taking citizens…. I’ve never committed a crime in my life. I’m 72 years old. They want to bankrupt my family. ‘Is Daddy going to prison?’ My wife is crying every day. They can put me in prison. I can die in prison. But, I will not lie to say that I didn’t tell the truth to the special counselor.”
Mueller's goal is to get his 235 pounds of flesh--President Donald J. Trump. After spending over $20 million dollars on this "Witch Hunt," Mueller now has George Papadopoulos in prison for 14 days for false statements he made to the FBI.
George Papadopoulos,
Robert Mueller,
Witch Hunt
Ideally, we shouldn't have political judges, but we do
Chief Justice Roberts Is Wrong. We Do Have Obama Judges and Trump Judges
"If we do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, then why did Senate Republicans block President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia in the final year of Obama's term? And why did Democrats filibuster Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch, to fill Scalia's seat?"Read Marc Thiessen's article...
And the most nasty example of how political a judge's appointment can be is Brett Kavanaugh. This showed to the American people that it is all political and that Democrats can play the dirtiest game to ensure that their philosophy will represent them on the court.
Brett Kavanaugh,
Neil Gorsuch,
Supreme Court
Monday, November 26, 2018
Maybe all these climate global warming guys got it wrong
Global Warming Scientists Admit to Making HUGE Mathematical Mistake
The Left just "hates" with scathing scorn
Don’t Be Fooled: Leftist Hysteria DID NOT Start with Trump
There is not much more to it--the angry Left just hates Conservatives and they hate Trump the most because he punches back.
Ben Shapiro,
Donald Trump,
President Trump leaves Palm Beach early
Even President Trump's Thanksgiving holiday was interrupted--he left a day earlier than planned.
Due to crises here and around the globe, the President needed to be back in Washington.Not only is our own country's security in jeopardy, not to mention the safety of the American people, but Russia attacked and seized Ukranian naval vessels. There is an emergency meeting of the United Nations today on Russia.
And Democrats, there is still no Trump/Russian collusion.
Donald Trump,
Two Lake Worth Schools over-crowded
400 students could be shuffled to fix crowding in Lake Worth
The top goal is to relieve Highland Elementary, among the county’s five most crowded elementary campuses. Just east of Interstate 95 and south of 10th Avenue North, the school enrolls 1,224 students on a campus built for 1,072.The City of Lake Worth continues to build, even wanting to change its LDR's to accommodate more affordable housing and these kids will need schools. The majority of them do not even speak English.
Commissioner District 2 Omari Hardy said, "that he is eager for Highland to get needed relief at a time when the city expects more families to move to the area, attracted by plans for more affordable housing."
Perhaps we need a reverse "Field of Dreams." Stop the building and the density.
Read about it...
We should not be encouraging illegals to move to Lake Worth. Our local government is and has encouraged the migration over the past decade and caused the problem, even making a Resolution that we are a Welcoming City.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
San Diego Border entry closed
Border checkpoint between San Diego, Tijuana closed after migrants from Central America protest
The busiest border checkpoint on the U.S.-Mexico border was closed to crossings Sunday, officials with U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced amid reports of Central American migrants attempting to breach the border and demanding entry. Tear gas was used. [AJC]Barefoot in the Park at the Lake Worth Playhouse
Cute play and the actors did a great job!
After a six-day honeymoon, they get a surprise visit from Corie’s loopy mother and decide to play matchmaker during a dinner with their neighbor-in-the-attic, Velasco, where everything that can go wrong, does. Paul just doesn’t understand Corie, as she sees it. He’s too staid, too boring, and she just wants him to be a little more spontaneous. Running “barefoot in the park” would be a start…
Barefoot in the Park
Paul and Corie Bratter are newlyweds in every sense of the word. He’s a straight-as-an-arrow lawyer and she’s a free spirit always looking for the latest kick. Their new apartment is her most recent find – too expensive with bad plumbing and in need of a paint job.After a six-day honeymoon, they get a surprise visit from Corie’s loopy mother and decide to play matchmaker during a dinner with their neighbor-in-the-attic, Velasco, where everything that can go wrong, does. Paul just doesn’t understand Corie, as she sees it. He’s too staid, too boring, and she just wants him to be a little more spontaneous. Running “barefoot in the park” would be a start…
Election Fraud in California
9 Charged in Election Fraud Scheme: Homeless Were Given Cash, Cigarettes for Fraudulent Signatures
Well, they have a lot to choose from. California has about 134,000 homeless people, roughly 24 percent of the nation's total homeless population, and Los Angeles County has the most within the state — at least 55,000 people.[Street life Solutions]
Military Protective Activities can be performed at the Border
Mattis got the order about the caravan that every American was waiting for unless you're a Democrat perhaps
Breitbart reports:President Donald Trump has given Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to allow troops at the Southwest border to perform “military protective activities” he deems necessary to protect troops and border patrol agents, according to a White House memo viewed by Breitbart News.
Those activities include “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention, and cursory search,” according to the memo, which was signed on Tuesday by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
“Department of Defense personnel shall not, without further direction from the President, conduct traditional civilian law enforcement activities, such as arrest, search, and seizure in connection with the enforcement of the laws,” it added.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said despite the new authorization, the current missions have not yet changed and that troops remain unarmed except for those whose specific job is to protect other deployed troops.
Our Wall at the Border
The Left, for weeks, accused President Trump of manufacturing a crisis of immigrants walking up from Central America to invade our country as some kind of a stunt for the mid-term elections. Some of these Democrats even came on this blog spewing their chit. This should now shut them up--the invaders as well as the Democrats.
Build the Wall,
Donald Trump,
Joyless Behar and The View
Joy Behar begged her audience to come back after attacking Christians by saying those who believe have a "mental disease." According to the Hollywood Reporter, "A hastily executed reboot in the summer has failed to reverse the show's ratings fortune: The View is flat year-over-year among total viewers and down 9 percent among its target audience of women 25-to-54." So far, ABC 's new chief executive has not made any decision on The View. It is still there and nasty as ever.
We already know that the Godless Left love to dump on Christianity and Republicans at any chance they get, but Joy Behar, who was born into a Catholic Italian family, hates Christians. I have an atheist friend who happens to be a diehard Democrat who is obsessed with this show because of the hateful rhetoric towards our president in particular and never misses an airing of The View. This is the audience it attracts.
Joy Behar,
News Media
Quote of the Day - President Trump

Our great Law Enforcement professionals MUST BE ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! If not there will be only bedlam, chaos, injury and death. We want the Constitution as written!"
~ President Donald J. Trump
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day,
Supreme Court
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Election Fraud and Democrats
Democrats Committing Vote Fraud Is Now a Literal Cliché
"It keeps happening. There were close elections in Florida, Georgia, New Mexico and Arizona, so the legendary Ballot Fairy began magically delivering boxes of ballots to help the losing Democrat candidates pull victory from the jaws of defeat."You remember trucks coming in the middle of the night after the election to deliver tons of boxes to Brenda Snipes, the Democrat Supervisor of Elections in Broward, the most corrupt county around. Thank God she has resigned effective in January 2019.
Read about it... (an important article) and the dangerous situation that looms ahead in our democracy. Democrats like to claim it was only "glitches" rather than calling it for what it is, downright fraud.
Brenda Snipes,
Maria Bartiromo Exposes Russian Hoax - The Media is Driving the bus
Top News Anchor Turns To Camera LIVE and EXPOSES The Media’s SICK Role in the Whole RUSSIAN HOAX
Devon Nunes,
Donald Trump,
Fake News,
Fox News,
News Media,
Palm Beach Post Sucks
The Palm Beach Post welcomes the president in its typical anti-Trump fashion
We can always count on The Palm Beach Post to engage in anti-Trump negative reporting. Today's Palm Beach Post had a double whammy--The Post put out its welcome mat to the President and Mrs. Trump.Not only did it personally attack President Trump on his stand on global warming in an article re-printed from The New York Times (a nemesis of Trump's) but in the article placed on the front page below it, attacked Melania Trump as one of the lowest scored first ladies of all time based on a poll from Lynn University in Boca Raton.
You’ve probably heard over and over that 99% of scientists believe in global warming-- well the opposite is true. That talking point came from a study where only 75 scientists said they believe in global warming on the other hand over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition saying they don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming. [globalclimatescam]
As far as Melania Trump goes, The Post had the gall to insult the President and First Lady based on one poll. One! The article cites the poll conducted by Robert Watson, a professor of American History at Lynn in Boca, situated in a city that is a Democrat stronghold in south Florida. It quotes his opinion that "Melania has done the very minimum necessary" (to be a good First Lady.) It's one lousy poll and only his opinion. The Post, however, made this a top story of the day and placed it in the middle of its front page.
How are your subscriptions going?
Donald Trump,
Fake News,
Media Bias,
The Palm Beach Post
Tijuana supports President Trump - Wants bums out
Don't you love his cap?
Tijuanans support President Trump, want caravan “bums” gone! Media silent. Caravan scheme blowing up in Soros’ and the Democrats’ faces
And then you have Hillary who just won't shut up who only yesterday called for comprehensive amnesty reform in the United States that would give a path to citizenship to “millions” of illegal immigrants after her comments about the need for Europe to curb the migration of refugees caused backlash among left-wing activists.[Blabber Buzz & Powdered Wig]
Build the Wall,
Hillary Clinton,
Friday, November 23, 2018
Quote of the Day - Mack Bernard

~ Mack Bernard
Mayor of Palm Beach County
Now that you have brought our president into it Mr. Bernard, you will be fair game from now on.
Consider the following situation that Haiti is in according to Google:
- Haiti is the third hungriest country in the world after Somalia and Afghanistan
- The richest 1% of the population controls nearly half of all of Haiti’s wealth
- The poorest country in the western hemisphere
- One of the poorest countries in the world
- Ranks 149 out of 182 on the United Nations Human Development Index
- Has a healthy life expectancy of 55 years for women and 53 years for men
- Adult literacy is about 62%
- 78% of Haitians live on less than $2 US per day.
County Palm Beach,
Donald Trump,
Mack Bernard,
Quote of the Day,
Genital Mutilation charges dismissed by Judge
Genital mutilation ban ruled unconstitutional; judge drops charges against sect
Can anyone really understand this?"A federal judge Tuesday dismissed female genital mutilation charges against several doctors in the first criminal case of its kind nationwide, ruling the law is unconstitutional.
The opinion by U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman comes two weeks after defense lawyers mounted the first challenge to a 22-year-old genital mutilation law that went unused until April 2017. Unfortunately, 23 states haven’t yet outlawed the practice, which means that Muslims in the U.S. can lawfully have this mutilation performed simply by traveling a bit."
Judge Friedman did leave intact conspiracy and obstruction charges that could send Nagarwala and the other defendants to federal prison for decades.
Read about it... at the Detroit News.
Sharia Law
Early Morn 11-23-18 at John Prince Park
Taken around 6:15am this morning. Only a 25% chance of rain today so perhaps we will luck out. Yesterday was dreadful and driving was hazardous as vision was impaired by the heavy rain.
It's Black Friday today so be careful out there. I made the mistake of driving to the Boynton Mall a few years ago on Black Friday and got into the biggest traffic jam--swore never again. I'm going to delay that movie I wanted to see by three or four days.
Laura Loomer kicked off Twitter
Laura Loomer’s interview, November 21st - 2018, after getting banned from Twitter permanently for speaking the truth! She is the latest conservative journalist whose voice has been erased by the liberal owners/executives of social media enterprises. Liberals want one voice in America--theirs.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
"The Conners" has tanked
ABC President out of a Job as ‘The Conners’ Tanks Without Roseanne
Channing Dungey, who was the first African-American woman to head the entertainment division of a major broadcast network, is now the former president of ABC Entertainment following the announcement of her resignation last week.It was Dungey who decided to cancel “Roseanne” following the star’s controversial tweet in May about former Obama administration staffer Valerie Jarrett, who is also African American, that was labeled as racist. The tweet: “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”
Sometimes we just get in our own way.
McSally could end up being Senator from Arizona afterall
McSally was leading Sinema by 16,000 votes the day after the election, but mail-in-ballots pushed Sinema into the lead.
Some observers suspect election fraud could be involved — and not without reason. [WesternJournal]
Maricopa County, where thousands, if not most, of these ballots came from, has always been purple due to the large Hispanic influence there of over 1 million. In Arizona, people need only to swear, under penalty of perjury, that they are eligible to vote. They do not have to prove or show any state required ID due to the National Voter Registration Act signed into law by Bill Clinton.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Fudge can no longer fudge it
Marcia Fudge Endorses Pelosi for Speaker As Reports Emerge She Vouched For Man Accused of Killing His Ex-Wife
We all can have bad judgment at times...I even had it when I supported Ryan Hartman years ago in District 1. But this one really takes the cake!Read about Fudge...
Migrant Caravan
Protests In Mexico Escalate – DHS Confirms Over 500 People In Migrant Caravan Are CRIMINALS!
The migrant caravan that is amassing at the San Diego border contains over 500 criminals, the Department of Homeland Security warned Monday. Contrary to reports by the media and immigrant activists, DHS officials said, the vast majority of the migrants are men, not women and children. The reports come amid growing tension between residents of Tijuana and the increasing number of migrants that officials say may be there for months. []Read about it...
And on top of this invasion, former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan said Tuesday that a "liberal" San Francisco federal judge (an Obama appointee, Jon S. Tigar), is the latest to attempt to stop President Trump from protecting the southern border.
Build the Wall,
Donald Trump,
"As the Acosta Turns"
New rules that will govern White House press conferences:
- 1) A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists
- 2) At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor
- 3) ‘Yielding the floor’ includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner
- 4) Failure to abide by any of rules (1)-(3) may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass.
And if these rules get abused, the President or whoever conducting can end the conference.
Jim Acosta,
News Media,
Press Corp,
Rules of Decorum,
Linda Sarsour - Anti-Semitic Muslim Liberal
FINALLY! Women’s March Founder Calls For Linda Sarsour And Other Anti-Semite Liberals To STEP DOWN!
"This follows on the heels of the Women’s March being stripped of a human rights award from The Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a German socialist think-tank. The organization was set to award the Women’s March for their work and message, but after various associations and speeches were given that included anti-Semitic rhetoric, the Foundation withdrew the award and issued a public statement denouncing the Women’s March." [Conservative Headlines}The Women's March imploded due to the hijacking of the movement, people such as Linda Sarsour.
Linda Sarsour,
Women's March
Food Truck Invasion Cancelled for Friday
November 20, 2018
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
WHAT: Food Truck Invasion
WHEN: Friday, November 23
WHERE: Lake Worth Cultural Plaza
Due to scheduling conflicts the City of Lake Worth has had to cancel this month's Food Truck Invasion originally scheduled for Friday, November 23rd. The Lake Worth Beach Bonfire scheduled for the same evening will continue as planned. The next Food Truck Invasion will be December 28 in the Lake Worth Cultural Plaza. The City apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this cancellation.
For more information please call Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer at 561.586.1631
Contact: Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone: 561.586.1631
WHAT: Food Truck Invasion
WHEN: Friday, November 23
WHERE: Lake Worth Cultural Plaza
Due to scheduling conflicts the City of Lake Worth has had to cancel this month's Food Truck Invasion originally scheduled for Friday, November 23rd. The Lake Worth Beach Bonfire scheduled for the same evening will continue as planned. The next Food Truck Invasion will be December 28 in the Lake Worth Cultural Plaza. The City apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this cancellation.
For more information please call Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer at 561.586.1631
Obama slams Trump, again

We are fraught with stuff, and so if that is the case, then the single most important thing we have to invest in is ... people. We have got to get people to figure out how they work together in a cooperative, thoughtful, constructive way.
People literally can remake the world right now...the world badly needs remaking."
~ Obama
as said at the Obama Foundation Summit where he got a lot of laughs.
Donald Trump,
Quote of the Day,
World Peace
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Mexicans shout, "Go home"
Mexicans in Tijuana protest, clash with caravan members and police demanding the caravan go home. Mainstream media silent
"Mexicans in Tijuana do not want illegal immigrants in their country even temporarily. Imagine how they would feel if Mexican liberals and the media excoriated them as racists and insisted the Hondurans had a right to invade their community and demand that they be taken care of and their children fed and educated." [Powdered Wig]Read about it...
Election Endorsements 2008
A Blast from the Past--2008
My endorsements on September 30, 2008
When scrolling back to 2008, there was a lot of coverage on Greater Bay and the near "theft" of our casino, pool and park in general. What a year. It took a lot of citizens to stop this but history has a way of repeating itself. Now we are going through beach "issues" again.
And September 30, 2008 was the start of this blog. What has changed the most for me is my politics. It took the election of Barack Obama and his tenure in office to permanently change my viewpoint and general attitude. In the beginning I was into his "hope and change" and gave him the benefit of any doubt. Now, I will never go back. The Democrat party is unrecognizable today.
As far as local politics, I will always speak up for our small town charm. And even in 2008, we were fighting off 99 year leases (to no avail--(they were overwhelmingly voted in and go against our Charter Amendment), something that will probably be on our March 2019 ballot on the Steinhardt property. After the city's survey, the ballot initiatives will be worded so carefully that everyone will fall for them in a positive vote.
The pendulum swings, always coming back to the same old things of the past...the same old fights and the people believing what the city tells them is the best for them.
My endorsements on September 30, 2008
When scrolling back to 2008, there was a lot of coverage on Greater Bay and the near "theft" of our casino, pool and park in general. What a year. It took a lot of citizens to stop this but history has a way of repeating itself. Now we are going through beach "issues" again.
And September 30, 2008 was the start of this blog. What has changed the most for me is my politics. It took the election of Barack Obama and his tenure in office to permanently change my viewpoint and general attitude. In the beginning I was into his "hope and change" and gave him the benefit of any doubt. Now, I will never go back. The Democrat party is unrecognizable today.
As far as local politics, I will always speak up for our small town charm. And even in 2008, we were fighting off 99 year leases (to no avail--(they were overwhelmingly voted in and go against our Charter Amendment), something that will probably be on our March 2019 ballot on the Steinhardt property. After the city's survey, the ballot initiatives will be worded so carefully that everyone will fall for them in a positive vote.
The pendulum swings, always coming back to the same old things of the past...the same old fights and the people believing what the city tells them is the best for them.
Bias of Palm Beach Post
Showing the bias of The Palm Beach Post, their political reporter George Bennett said in yesterday's Post, "Republicans just suffered their worst U.S. house drubbing since Watergate and Trump's national approval ratings are underwater." He stated that Trump's approval rating was "a dismal 38 percent in the latest Gallup poll."
Rasmussen has a different poll out on November 16th--
Friday, November 16 President Trump Job Approval
Rasmussen Reports-- Approve 49, Disapprove 50-- Disapprove +1
The point here is that a journalist can find anything to support his argument. The Post is always negative towards President Trump and slants its reporting to promote that bias. The Post failed to give us an Obama/Trump comparison for the same time in office. In November 11-17 2013, Obama's rating from Gallup was 41 approval and 53 disapproval.
I, as do many, believe that the Post intentionally tilts the news in favor of one political party (Democrats) philosophy and constantly is negative towards our President, often quoting The Washington Post and the New York Times. Just read their endorsements for this 2018 Mid-Term election. That will tell you what they're all about.
Rasmussen has a different poll out on November 16th--
Friday, November 16 President Trump Job Approval
Rasmussen Reports-- Approve 49, Disapprove 50-- Disapprove +1
The point here is that a journalist can find anything to support his argument. The Post is always negative towards President Trump and slants its reporting to promote that bias. The Post failed to give us an Obama/Trump comparison for the same time in office. In November 11-17 2013, Obama's rating from Gallup was 41 approval and 53 disapproval.
I, as do many, believe that the Post intentionally tilts the news in favor of one political party (Democrats) philosophy and constantly is negative towards our President, often quoting The Washington Post and the New York Times. Just read their endorsements for this 2018 Mid-Term election. That will tell you what they're all about.
The Invaders
Mexican Journalist Takes a Close Look at Caravan, Uncovers Horrible Truths Media’s Not Reporting
It's an invasion whether the American news media want to report it that way or whether Democrats want to admit it or not.Read about it... and see the video.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Whitehouse Turkey Pardon
Two turkeys from South Dakota get comfortable in their Washington D.C. hotel room ahead of their pardoning by President Trump. Which Turkey should the Whitehouse pardon this year?
Turkey Pardon 2018 Results will be announced tomorrow, 11am in the Rose Garden. Hopefully, they both are pardoned.
City of Lake Worth hires Research firm for March Ballot Intiatives
Last night I got a call from a group called ADG Research. They were hired by the City of Lake Worth to conduct a survey on some ballot initiatives that the city and City manager Mike Bornstein are considering for the March 2019 election, initiatives they (the city) want passed.
Most of the survey was about development within the city and the selling of public owned properties. This would take a vote of the people thus a charter change. The Steinhardt property comes to mind as the last person involved in this property wanted to fill-in parts of the Intracoastal Waterway and develop condos. Bornsetin at the October 18th meeting said that the County had the resources to maintain it and suggested giving the County a 99 year lease. Why can't we ever maintain anything?
And what about our beach park?
One of the questions was about the selling off of city property and if the funds were to be used for parks, etc. and the monies overseen by a public committee would I be more likely to vote "yes." I asked the gal who was conducting the survey if the question was a joke. We have already witnessed the lack of meetings and participation of the Bond Oversight Committee.
There were other questions, one of which was about downtown parking and another about selling off our Chamber Building on Lake Avenue. Do you remember when the city sold off the parking lot on Lucerne? That was a gigantic mistake. And now the city is concerned about parking. I was also asked to rate the present commission. Basically, our commission is as good as our city manager as he runs the show. Thanks to a few on the commission who don't always "go along."
The lead off question asked if I would vote to change the name of our city from the City of Lake Worth to Lake Worth Beach. I said "no way." She then informed me that she had to read the entire question. When she finished, I said "no" a second time. Read my remarks from one month ago.
At the very end, she asked my age and my first name. Dear City of Lake Worth, I answered "no" on about every question. This is where the clever city, using your tax dollars, is gathering important data in order to formulate their ballot questions to get the results they want. This is why we voted in three year terms just a year ago, a bad idea for Lake Worth. I would much rather see term limits on the ballot.
Most of the survey was about development within the city and the selling of public owned properties. This would take a vote of the people thus a charter change. The Steinhardt property comes to mind as the last person involved in this property wanted to fill-in parts of the Intracoastal Waterway and develop condos. Bornsetin at the October 18th meeting said that the County had the resources to maintain it and suggested giving the County a 99 year lease. Why can't we ever maintain anything?
And what about our beach park?
One of the questions was about the selling off of city property and if the funds were to be used for parks, etc. and the monies overseen by a public committee would I be more likely to vote "yes." I asked the gal who was conducting the survey if the question was a joke. We have already witnessed the lack of meetings and participation of the Bond Oversight Committee.
There were other questions, one of which was about downtown parking and another about selling off our Chamber Building on Lake Avenue. Do you remember when the city sold off the parking lot on Lucerne? That was a gigantic mistake. And now the city is concerned about parking. I was also asked to rate the present commission. Basically, our commission is as good as our city manager as he runs the show. Thanks to a few on the commission who don't always "go along."
The lead off question asked if I would vote to change the name of our city from the City of Lake Worth to Lake Worth Beach. I said "no way." She then informed me that she had to read the entire question. When she finished, I said "no" a second time. Read my remarks from one month ago.
At the very end, she asked my age and my first name. Dear City of Lake Worth, I answered "no" on about every question. This is where the clever city, using your tax dollars, is gathering important data in order to formulate their ballot questions to get the results they want. This is why we voted in three year terms just a year ago, a bad idea for Lake Worth. I would much rather see term limits on the ballot.
Snipes Resigned
Brenda Snipes, Broward County’s beleaguered supervisor of elections, resigned late Sunday night
Snipes resigned in the dead of night just like ballots mysteriously showed up at her office in Broward after the election was over. The writing was on the wall for her and she beat Ron DeSantis to her probable firing.Read about Brenda...
Border Wall Project in Arizona
November 18, 2018
New Border Wall Plan Revealed
The Trump administration has recently revealed a new border wall project in Arizona. The Washington Examiner reports:
The Arizona border will have 32 miles of existing wall replaced starting next April.
The $324 million project has been given the green light by federal immigration officials, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday.
The project will switch out an old barrier that runs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector west into the Yuma Sector, which is just miles from Arizona’s border with California. The replacement wall is meant to keep pedestrians and vehicles from entering the U.S. Older barriers were largely to prevent cars from driving over, but were only a few feet tall and did little to keep people from trespassing from Mexico.
The undertaking, which will be paid for by congressional funding for CBP from 2018 legislation, is part of President Trump’s January 2017 executive order to secure the country by improving barriers in vulnerable and high-traffic areas.
This is a crucial piece of border security that will make all Americans safer. [The Whitehouse]
New Border Wall Plan Revealed
The Trump administration has recently revealed a new border wall project in Arizona. The Washington Examiner reports:
The Arizona border will have 32 miles of existing wall replaced starting next April.
The $324 million project has been given the green light by federal immigration officials, U.S. Customs and Border Protection announced Thursday.
The project will switch out an old barrier that runs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector west into the Yuma Sector, which is just miles from Arizona’s border with California. The replacement wall is meant to keep pedestrians and vehicles from entering the U.S. Older barriers were largely to prevent cars from driving over, but were only a few feet tall and did little to keep people from trespassing from Mexico.
The undertaking, which will be paid for by congressional funding for CBP from 2018 legislation, is part of President Trump’s January 2017 executive order to secure the country by improving barriers in vulnerable and high-traffic areas.
This is a crucial piece of border security that will make all Americans safer. [The Whitehouse]
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Amazing attitude by man attacked by Anti-Trumper
Trump supporter hospitalized after being attacked for wearing a MAGA hat
He was attacked by a low-information voter who was obviously incited by Democrats and Mad Max types in that party.
Bill Nelson concedes
Bill Nelson concedes in Florida Senate race vs. Rick Scott
About time, huh? All of that Democrat BS.Mike Caruso wins his election
Florida House District 89 was won by Mike Caruso
with the same 37-vote margin.Republican Caruso is not in my district but he went door to door in Lake Worth campaigning to the more than 155,000 who live in the district that goes up the coast of Palm Beach County from North Palm Beach south to the Broward County line.
Democrats "Trial Run" for 2020 election
If we have found out anything from this election of November 6, we have found out that Democrats will do anything it takes to steal an election. And we even have had a judge, appointed by Obama, circumvent Florida law.
The Daily Caller reports:
Chairman of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp said the ongoing Florida recount is just a “trial run” for Democrats to help prepare for a close race against President Donald Trump in 2020.
“We’re going to spend a lot of time in court, we’re going to spend millions of dollars. We’re going to waste a lot of time. I believe at the end of this, Gov. Rick Scott will be a senator. Ron DeSantis will be the governor,” Schlapp said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday. “But what the Democrats are trying to do here, this is a trial run to figure out what they do in 2020 when Donald Trump is on the ballot.”
“You watch. They are learning lessons so that they can do everything possible to stop him in 2020.”
Schlapp also said he’s concerned about the legitimacy of the recount process and claimed the counters involved have used unorthodox methods to get the job done.
Look for things to become a whole lot nastier and Democrats become a lot more devious over the next two years now that they have control of the House.
The Daily Caller reports:
Chairman of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp said the ongoing Florida recount is just a “trial run” for Democrats to help prepare for a close race against President Donald Trump in 2020.
“We’re going to spend a lot of time in court, we’re going to spend millions of dollars. We’re going to waste a lot of time. I believe at the end of this, Gov. Rick Scott will be a senator. Ron DeSantis will be the governor,” Schlapp said on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday. “But what the Democrats are trying to do here, this is a trial run to figure out what they do in 2020 when Donald Trump is on the ballot.”
“You watch. They are learning lessons so that they can do everything possible to stop him in 2020.”
Schlapp also said he’s concerned about the legitimacy of the recount process and claimed the counters involved have used unorthodox methods to get the job done.
Look for things to become a whole lot nastier and Democrats become a lot more devious over the next two years now that they have control of the House.
Democrats, the Enemy of Democracy
Even though they tried every dirty trick in the book, Democrats did not succeed in stealing the election in Florida.
Folks, just #WalkAway.
Rubio Proves Democrats Plotted Voter Fraud Day After Election
Read about the deplorable and criminal actions of DemocratsFolks, just #WalkAway.
Florida State of,
Know Thy Enemy,
Marco Rubio
Lying Muslims
New Muslim Congress members deceived voters Both on record as appearing to oppose Israel's right to exist
[WND] How can you tell a politician is lying? His lips are moving. It's an old joke; but in the case of Abdullahi Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan, it seems apt.These pioneering Muslim women elected to Congress have now reversed their positions on key issues. Not just that, but some ties and behaviors are emerging that can only be described as 'disturbing'.
Democrats, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar, the gal who supposedly married her own bother for fraudulent purposes and replaced Muslim Keith Ellison who is now the Attorney General of Minnesota, and Rashida Harbi Tlaib of Michigan, lied to voters.
Read about it... and the two Muslim elected officials who are 100% against United States policy on Israel.
WND in a previous article pointed out that Dr. Mark Christian, an obstetrician and former Egyptian Muslim with direct family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, is talking a lot these days about “stealth jihad.” He says it’s the Brotherhood’s way of exploiting liberal immigration policies while working relentlessly through various Islamic front groups to pressure government, education and religious institutions to make concessions to Isla and it's working. It even worked with our liberal commission right here in Lake Worth when they made a resolution regarding Muslims just a few years ago.
Realizing that Democrats will say that this is all an Alt-Right conspiracy theory, the facts of the matter are that the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is “to restart the Islamic empire. And they think if they can restart it again, they can reconquer the whole earth.” It has now elevated from local politics with some bleeding heart silly resolution and has spread into our Congress where these people make our laws.
Quote of the Day - Mike Huckabee

Because it continues to happen in the one county in Florida that is heavily Democratic — that has shown that it has incredible levels of corruption as we saw from even the fallout from the Parkland shooting and the sheriff’s office and the fact that elected officials in that county don’t even have the competence of some of the people who work for them.
It’s hard to believe anyone could be that incompetent and the recent discovery of uncounted ballots is not a coincidence."
~ Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee,
Quote of the Day
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