Saturday, June 2, 2018

We just killed 50 terrorists

The US Military has announced that a rocket attack on the Taliban killed about 50 of their leaders.

The Taliban denies this and claims the rockets hit two civilian homes. And my Uncle Fred gave birth to triplets after sitting on a contaminated toilet seat… was my sarcasm clear?

A large group of Taliban leaders was meeting and the military took advantage of the situation and bombed them into oblivion. This was the type of attack that was allowed under Obama who had to personally approve every attack. Military leaders would seek permission that never came. (Obama did not allow the killing of anyone on his speed dial) [Steven Ahle]

Read about it..., something the main stream media never reports.


Anonymous said...

Watch some Democrat complain about it.

Anonymous said...

there are probably 200 to take their place.who cares what dems think of it

Anonymous said...

Too bad Obama didn't bomb their caravans when he could have.I'm sure he would have destroyed the convoys if they had been filled with Christians. Obama allowed his comrades in the brotherhood to kill thousands.

Anonymous said...

Well there is something fishy going on now too with Puerto Rico, they said that only 68 people died, now some new Harvard study is saying more than 4000 really died, why is our government lying about all of this? What is going on? Who can you believe anymore?