Saturday, June 2, 2018

Jobs increased in May by 223,000

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 223,000 in May

Unemployment rate edges down to 3.8%
Employment continued to trend up in several industries:
including retail trade, health care, and construction.

Read more... on consumer confidence ticking up and the affirmation of the Trump policies.

And this is ticking off Democrats and the anti-Trump fake news media.


Anonymous said...

The only big problem with all of this is that most jobs are not full time 40 hour a week with benefits today. The city of LW does this too, they hire mostly 29 hours a week and pay nothing more, no benefits, nothing. The entire country is doing this now, and our government allows this, it is wrong. It is really hard to find a job with benefits that is full time today. There may be a lot of jobs and creating more and more, but none with benefits or full time, they only will allow you to work 29 hours so they do not have to pay benefits, the city and most are all guilty of doing this now. It really is not fair to anyone. So think about this ya'll when you brag about low unemployment in the USA, it is not as good as it could be.

Anonymous said...

LW only hires Puerto Ricans full time and gives all the jobs to only them because the assistant manager is from there or his family, they won't hire others from anywhere else or give any benefits to anyone else. There is also a lot of nepotism in employment today and no one seems to care or does anything about it, it all used to be frowned upon in the past, but now it is all so obvious and really unethical.