Friday, March 2, 2018

The Democrat Anti-Trump idiot who sent the white powder to Trump Jr. and 4 others


B. Schlitz said...

Don't mention that Senator Stabenow is a Democrat from Michigan and Michele Dauber is a Sociologist and Law Professor at Stanford because it might destroy your narrative and totally unsubstantiated blog post title.

Lake Worth Fake News Central....

Lynn Anderson said...

Doesn't destroy my "narrative" anonymous at 3:07. The idiot who sent the powder is a Democrat, who I might add, has a lot of problems...but then, that's typical.

Anonymous said...

Wow no wonder the media drooped this story like a hot potato. If this guy was a white NRA member his fat face would be on the front page of every news cast ,newspaper and left wing magazine in the country from now till 2020 election time.
Dumbocrats and their whores in the media are hypocritical liars. An unnamed source,anyone?
America is sick of you. Judgment day is coming in 2018. Once Trump gets his huge majority in both houses,America really will become great again!