Friday, March 2, 2018

Lake Worth the 31st most dangerous city in the country?

Most dangerous city? Neighborhood report ranks 2 Palm Beach Co. areas as ‘most dangerous' in U.S."

Read about it...

Instead, Lake Worth commissioners focus on developers and the Park of Commerce or fudge on the numbers about electric parity with FPL (commercial rates are still out of sight) as their claim to fame or taking out our municipal pool at the Lake Worth beach. Slum, blight and crime is out of control...has been for years, but we still have to sit there and listen to how crime is down and what a swell job they are doing.

Remember to vote on March 13.


Anonymous said...

saw this on morning news on tues .is this why scott wants to change the name of the city.they sent the whole article and its amazing how the numbers come out and where we are

Anonymous said...

This is why we sold our house and moved out of Lake Worth, along with the fact that these elected gave themselves 90% pay raises. WE lost all hope in this city and its leaders, they are not true leaders. Just thieves, corrupt, unethical, and greedy ineffective people. Mediocrity at its best. Too bad this great city was destroyed by these clowns.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the comments above! Moving forwards right off the cliff!